Dan Stidham, Haley Fitzgerald & Jason Baldwin, Satanic Panic & Defending the West Memphis Three: How Cultural Differences Can Play a Major Role in Criminal Cases, 42 U. Memphis L.Rev.1 (2012) Kaytee Vota, The Truth Behind Echols v. State: How an Alford Guilty Plea Saved the West Memphis Three, 45 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 1003 (2012) Mara Leveritt, Are 'Voices for Justice' Heard?: A Star-Studded Rally on Behalf of the West Memphis Three Prompts the Delicate Question, 33 UALR L. Rev. 137 (2011) Note [David S. Mitchell, Jr.], Lock 'Em Up and Throw Away the Key: "The West Memphis Three" and Arkansas's Statute for Post-Conviction Relief Based on New Scientific Evidence," 62 Ark. L. Rev. 501 (2009) Emily Battersby & Wolfgang G. Robinson, Paradise Lost: Media in Injusice and Injustice in Media, 22 Seton Hall J. Sports & Ent. L. 29 (2012) J. Thomas Sullivan, Brady, Arkansas Rule 17.1, and Disclosure of Scientific Evidence and Expert Opinion, 35 Ark. L.Rev. 245 (2013) Reproducing a Trial: Evidence and Its Assessment in Paradise Lost |