Crime Film
| fall | 2018|
James R. Elkins
Teaching Crime Movies & Documentaries: Philip Meyer
Philip N. Meyer, Convicts, Criminals, Prisoners, and Outlaws:
A Course in Popular Storytelling, 42 J. Legal Educ. 129 (1992) [on-line
____________, Law Students Go to the Movies, 24 Conn.
L. Rev. 893 (1992)
____________, Visual Literacy and the Legal Culture: Reading
Film as Text in the Law School Setting, 17 Legal Stud. F. 73 (1993)
____________, Criminality, Obsessive Compulsion, and Aesthetic
Rage in "Straight Time," 25 Legal Stud. F. 441 (2001) [on-line
______________, Using Non-Fiction
Films as Visual Text in the First-Year Criminal Law Course, 28 Vt. L.
Rev. 895(2004) [on-line
____________, Are the Characters in a Death Penalty Brief
Like the Characters in a Movie, 32 Vt. L. Rev. 877 (2008)
Bibliography (Law-Genre Documentaries): Articles
Regina Austin, Engaging Documentaries Seriously, 16 Fordham
Intell. Prop. Media & Ent. L.J. 707 (2006)
___________, 'Super Size Me' and the Conundrum of Race/Ethnicity,
Gender, and Class for the Contemporary Law-Genre Documentary Filmmaker,
40 Loy.-Los. A. L. Rev. 683 (2007) [on-line
__________, The Next 'New Wave': Law-Genre Documentaries,
Lawyering in Support of the Creative Process, and Visual Legal Advocacy,
16 Fordham Intell. Prop. Media & Ent. L.J. 809 (2006) [on-line
David R. Dow, Fictional Documentaries and Truthful Fictions:
The Death Penalty in Recent American Film, 17 Const. Comment. 511 (2000)
Lawrence Douglas, Film as Witness: Screening Nazi
Concentration Camps Before the Nuremberg Tribunal, 105 Yale L.
J. 449 (1995)
James M. Linton & Mary Gerace, The "Reel World"
of the Courtroom: An Analysis of a Television Documentary About a Murder
Trial, 10 Windsor Y.B. Access Just. 127 (1990)
Charles Musser, Film Truth, Documentary, and the Law:
Justice at the Margins, 30 U.S.F. L. Rev. 963 (1996)
Roslyn Myers, Crime Victims as Subjects of Documentaries: Exploitation
or Advocacy, 16 Fordham Intell. Prop. Media & Ent. L.J. 733 (2006)
Shari Robertson & Michael Camerini, Seven Ambiguities:
Lawyers and the Making of Well-Founded Fear, a Law-Genre Documentary,
16 Fordham Intell. Prop. Media & Ent. L.J. 725 (2006)
Suzanne Shale, The Conflicts of Law and the Character
of Men: Writing Reversal of Fortune and Judgment at Nuremberg,
30 U.S.F. L. Rev. 991 (1996)
Jessica M. Silbey, A History of Representations of Justice:
Coincident Preoccupations of Law and Film (in Representations of
Justice (Peter Lang, 2007) [on-line
_____________, Filmmaking in the Precinct House and the
Genre of Documentary Film, 29 Columbia J. L. & Arts 107 (2006)
_____________, Criminal Performances: Film, Autobiography,
and Confession, 37 N. Mex. L. Rev. 189 (2007) [on-line
Douglas J. Sylvester, Myth in Restorative Justice History,
2003 Utah L. Rev. 471 [on-line
The Legal History of Televising Trials
Charles E. Ares, Chandler v. Florida: Television, Criminal
Trials, and Due Process,1981 Sup. Ct. Rev. 157
Bibliography (Documentary Film): Books
Thomas Austin, Watching the World: Screen Documentary
and Audiences (England: Manchester University Press, 2007)
Megan Cunningham, Art of the Documentary: Ten Conversations
with Leading Directors, Cinematographers, Editors, and Producers
(New Riders, 2005)
Bill Nichols, Representing Reality: Issues and Concepts
in Documentary (Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press,
Bibliography (Documentary Film): Articles
Dirk Eitzen, When Is a Documentary?: Documentary as a
Mode of Reception, 35 (1) Cinema Journal 81 (1995)
Jil Godmilow, How Real is the Reality in Documentary Film?,
36 (4) History & Theory 80 (1997)(a conversation with Ann-Louise
Leger Grindonb, Q & A: Poetics of the Documentary
Film Interview, 60 The Velvet Light Trap 4 (Fall, 2007)
Contact Professor Elkins