Anthony Graves
Anthony Graves spend 18 years for a crime he did not commit, much of it on death row.
Video "Grave Injustice"
[41:42 mins.] [48 Hours Mystery, April 23, 2011] [alt. site]
Anthony Graves: Talking About His Case
[22:41 mins.] [presentation, ABA Litigation Section, on
January 18, 2013]
Assigned Reading
Innocence Lost
Pamela Colloff, Texas Monthly, October, 2010
Innocence Found
Pamela Colloff, Texas Monthly, January, 2011
Anthony Graves Case Update
Anthony Graves' Prosecutor Finally Has to Answer For His Actions
[Texas Monthly, July, 2014]
Reference (Videos)
Anthony Graves: Texas Tribune Interview
[8:10 mins.]
Anthony Graves Interview
[8:01 mins.] [two months after his release from prison]
Death Row Release Anthony Graves
[3:14 mins.] [KHOU News: October 27, 2010]
Anthony Graves Released from Prison
[4:11 mins.] [KHOU News: October 28, 2010]
"Mother of murder victims says Graves is free, but not innocent"
[2:23 mins.] [KHOU News November 1, 2010]
Should Anthony Graves be compensated?
[2:53 mins.] [CBS News video,
April 25, 2011. Anthony Graves' attorney Jeff Blackburn blames the Texas attorney general's stubbornness for not facilitating the compensation Graves deserves for being held in prison for 18 years.]
Exonerated prisoner gets over $1 million from State
[2:57 mins.]
Katherine Scardino on Anthony Graves' Innocence and Release
[3:27 mins.] [Katherine Scardino, a criminal defense attorney in Houston, Texas, was appointed to represent Anthony Graves shortly before prosecutors dropped the case against him, releasing him from Death Row after eighteen years in prison.]
Surviving Torture of Solitary Confinement
[22:54 mins.] [Democracy Now]
Death Row Survivor Anthony Graves at the SHAPE Community Center
[50:06 mins.]
Anthony Graves' 2012 Senate Judiciary Testimony
[7:15 mins.]
Anthony Graves Story
[5:05 mins.]
HCCLA Reasonable Doubt: Anthony Graves
[1:00:00 mins.]
Web Resources
Former Texas District Attorney
Charles Sebesta
up against Misconduct Claim
[Innocence Project]