Lawyers and Literature

| Spring | 2019 |


Stories That Come Our Way

"Weight," in Margaret Atwood, Wilderness Tips 163-178 (New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell, 1990)

 Biographical Note & Web Resources: Margaret Atwood

"Puttermesser: Her Work History Her Ancestry, Her Afterlife," in Cynthia Ozick, Levitation: Five Fictions (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1982)

 The Cynthia Ozick story was first published in The New Yorker in 1977, and was collected in Cynthia Ozick's Levitation: Five Fictions (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1982). The story was reprinted in Jay Wishingrad (ed.), Legal Fictions: Short Stories About Lawyers and the Law 82-96 (Woodstock, New York: Overlook Press, 1992). The Puttermesser story later appeared as the first chapter (paper) in Ozick's novel, The Puttermesser Papers (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1997)

Biographical Note
Cynthia Ozick



 Cynthia Ozick: Resources

"Let's Do," in Rebecca Meacham, Let's Do 63-86 (Denton, Texas: University of North Texas Press, 2004) [reprinted, 36 Legal Stud. F. 1 (2013)]

Rebecca Meacham is an Ohio native. She received her MFA in fiction from Bowling Green State University and her Ph.D from the University of Cincinnati. She lives in Wisconsin, where she is a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. [Rebecca Meacham]

Supplemental Reading

"Mentoring," in Lowell B. Komie, The Legal Fiction of Lowell B. Komie 47-54 (Chicago: Swordfish Chicago, 2005) (Alison Hirsch "was to become the firm's Jewess. She knew it when they hired her. The hiring committee had been so obsequious and deferential she knew they could hardly afford to let her get away. It was time for a woman and Jew, and she fit both categories." This is the first paragraph of Komie's "Mentoring.")

A Note on Writing

She: Portrait of the Essay as a Warm Body
Cynthia Ozick

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