Monday. January 21. 2019
Martin Luther King's Birthday. No Class.
Reading that Will Get you Started in Preparing for the CourseThis week off will be an opportunity to follow-up on the background of the course. The best place to do that is in the Stories in the Education of Lawyers section of the course website. At this point, you might find most relevant: Ch1: Claiming Law School as a Place of Stories (reading this chapter as a prologue to the three chapters (that are, in essesse, a syllabus for the course) in which I try to tell you as much as I can about the course and how it "works":
Chapter 5: Stories Take Center Stage
Chapter 6: Stories Prod Us to See Our Education and Ourselves in a More Critical Light
Chapter 7: Robert, and His Fellow Escape Artists
Monday. January 28. 2019
Lowell Komie Lawyer Stories
"The Skipping Stones"; "The Cornucopia of Julia K.";
"I Am Greenwald, My Father's Son"; "A Commuter's Notes"Monday. February 4. 2019
Lowell Komie Lawyer Stories-Pt2
"The Balloon of William Fuerst"; "The Honorable Alicia Beauchamp"; "Ash"Monday. February 11. 2019
Madison Smartt Bell, "Witness" | Maile Meloy, "Tome"
Tobias Wolff, "The Deposition" | Richard Ford, "Puppy"Monday. February 18. 2019
"Equitable Awards," in Louis Auchincloss, Narcissa and Other Fables
(Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1983)"Weight," in Margaret Atwood, Wilderness Tips 163-178
(Bantam Doubleday Dell, 1990)Instructor's Notes (Margaret Atwood)
"Let's Do," in Rebecca Meacham, Let's Do 63-86 (University of North Texas Press, 2004)
[reprinted, 36 Legal Stud. F. 1 (2013)]Monday. February 25. 2019
John William Corrington, "Every Act Whatever of Man," 26 Legal Stud. F. 245 (2002)
[online text]John William Corrington Bio & Bibliography
James R. Elkins, A Great Gift: Reading John William Corrington, 26 Legal Stud. F. 425 (2002)
[online text]Supplemental Reading (John William Corrington Stories)
"The Actes and Monuments" | "Pleadings"
"Every Act Whatever of Man" | "A Day in Thy Court"Monday. March 4. 2019
March 11--March 15. 2019
Spring BreakMonday. March 18. 2019
Monday. March 25. 2019
Leslie Hall Pinder, "On Double Tracks"
Supplemental Reading
Finding Pinder | Elkins-Pinder Correspondence
When a Lawyer Becomes a Novelist
James Clarke, Oblique Verdicts
(Ontario,Canada: Exile Editions, 2017)James Clarke Instructor's Notes
Strangers to Us All: Lawyers and Poets
Peruse this website created to document the
long history of lawyer poets in AmericaMonday. April 8. 2019
Charles Dowling Williams, Seasons at West Wind Farm
40 Legal Stud. F. 103-261 (2016Charles DowlingWilliams, The Green Roar of Zen
42 Legal Stud. F. 1-71 (2018)
Strangers to Us All: Lawyers and Poets
Peruse this website created to document the
long history of lawyer poets in America