Leonard Case, Jr.


James Harrison Kennedy, A History of the City of
Cleveland: Its Settlement, Rise, and Progress,
1796-1896 443 (Cleveland: Imperial Press, 1896)
William Coyle (ed.), Ohio Authors and Their Books:
Biographical Data and Selective Bibliographies for Ohio Authors,
Native and Resident, 1796-1950 103 (Cleveland: World Publishing
Co., for the Ohioana Library Association, 1962):
Case, Leonard (June 27, 1820-Jan. 6, 1880), philanthropist
and occasional writer, was born in Cleveland, Cuyahoga County,
the second son of Leonard Case, a prominent
lawyer and land agent. After graduating from Yale University in
1842 and studying law for two years at Cincinnati Law School,
he opened a law office in Cleveland. His practice was highly selective,
being largely limited to his father's land business. . . . Following
an illness contracted while touring Europe, Case was a partial
invalid. He never married. After his father's death in 1864, he
devoted himself to travel, writing, and philanthropy. He endowed
the Cleveland Library Association and assisted in the founding
of the Western Reserve Historical Society. His major benefaction,
however, was the establishment of the Case School of Applied Science
(Case Institute of Technology), which opened its doors in 1881.
Case wrote long descriptive letters to his friends while traveling
and published numerous poems. In 1860 the Atlantic Monthly
printed his "Treasure Trove," a mock-heroic narrative
poem, which was published in book form late in 1872, dated 1873.
[Used with the gracious permission of the Ohioana
Library Association] [Leonord Case's father, also named
Leonard, was a lawyer and a poet. See: Leonard
Leonard Case, Jr.
Case Western Reserve University
Leonard Case, Treasure Trove (Boston: J.R.
Osgood and Company, 1873) [online
James D. Cleveland, [Biographical Sketch of Leonard
Case, Jr.], Western Reserve Society Publication, No. 73-84, 1892,
pp. 256-282