Memoir and Legal Education

[11th Class]


Class 11 & 12: Law School as Transformative Journey

Richard Rodriguez, The Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodriguez (New York: Bantam Books, 1983)



-- "It is education that has altered my life. Carried me far."

-- "To admit the change in my life I must speak of years as a student, of losses, of gains."

-- "In singing the praise of my lower-class past, I remind myself of my separation from that past, bring memory to silence. . . . I remember what was so grievously lost to define what was necessarily gained."

Richard Rodriguez, Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodriguez 5, 6 (Bantam Books, 1983)


James R. Elkins, "The Education of Scott Turow & Richard Rodriguez"

unpublished || the commentary draws on a 1978 book review of Turow's One L || Book Review: One L by Scott Turow, 3 Am. Legal Stud. F. 81 (1978) [on-line text]

YouTube Videos :: Richard Rodriguez