Psychology for Lawyers

jordan peterson lectures on freud & psychoanalysis


"Psychoanalysis . . . is a psychology of the unconscious mind. This implies no exclusion or disparagement of consciousness, but is simply a natural consequence of the assumption that much of the most important mental life is unconscious. Of the total mind so conceived, only a thin upper layer, figuratively speaking, rises into the light of consciousness, while the main substance and mass lies quite beyond the reach of self-awareness or ordinary introspection. To understand the human mind by the study of consciousness alone resembles an attempt to learn the structure and content of the ocean depths by examination of the surface waters."

--Martin W. Peck, The Meaning of Psychoanalysis (New York: Sun Dial Press, 1931)

Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Theory
A Traditional Perspective

"Every neurosis is due to a conflict between repressed instinctual demands--which always include early infantile sexual demands--and the repressing forces of the ego. The unresolved conflict expresses itself in the neurotic symptom or neurotic character trait. The technical requirement for the solution of the conflict . . . is the 'resolution of the repression,' in other words, the making conscious of the unconscious conflict. Since, however, certain psychic forces act like a rigorous censor with regard to the patient's own thoughts and wishes and thus keep them from becoming conscious, it is necessary to eliminate the selecting of material which is necessary in ordinary thinking and to let the thoughts wander freely, without critical selection. Among the material then coming up, one finds more and more repressed, unconscious and infantile elements which, with the aid of the analyst, have to be translated into the language of the conscious. The so-called 'fundamental rule,' the rule of 'free association' with the elimination of critical selection of material, is the indispensable prerequisite of analytic technique. It is aided by the force of the unconscious drives which urge to consciousness and to action; it is hampered, on the other hand, by an also unconscious force, the defense of the ego, which makes it difficult or impossible for the patient to follow the fundamental rule. This force makes itself felt as a 'resistance' against the dissolution of the repression. This theoretical insight determines another practical rule: the rule that the making conscious of the unconscious has to take place not directly, but by the elimination of the resistances. That is, the patient must first find out that he defends himself, then by what means, and, finally, against what. This work of making things conscious is called 'interpretation.' It consists either in the disclosure of disguised expressions of the unconscious or in the re-establishment of connections which had been lost by repressions. The repressed wishes and fears of the patient seek constantly for discharge, that is, they tend to become attached to real persons and situations. The most important reason for this is the lack of libidinous gratification in the patient; thus, he attaches his unconscious demands and fears also to the analyst and the analytic situation. This results in the 'transference,' that is, the establishment of relationships of love, hatred or anxiety with the analyst. These attitudes toward the analyst are nothing but repetitions of earlier, chiefly infantile attitudes toward people in the early environment which had been of importance and which had become unconscious. These transferences must be treated as such, that is, they must be 'resolved' by discovering their meaning . . . . [S]ince these conflicts become reactivated in the transference, the analysis of the transference, together with the resolution of the resistances, forms the most important aspect of the analytic work."

--Wilhelm Reich, Character-Analysis 3-5 (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux/Noonday Press, 3rd ed., 1949) (Theodore P. Wolfe trans.)

[Wilhelm Reich, in his first reference to psychoanalysis in Character-Analysis, refers to psychoanalytic theory as a "theory of the neuroses." Id. at 3. We might note that most contemporary psychoanalysts no longer subscribe to idea that neurosis of the kind treated in psychoanalysis can be defined as a "conflict between repressed instinctual demands--which always include early infantile sexual demands--and the repressing forces of the ego." Id.]


Melissa L. Nelken, Negotiation and Psychoanalysis: If I'd Wanted to Learn about Feelings, I Wouldn't Have Gone to Law School, 46 J. Legal Educ. 420 (1996)

"Introducing the Psychodynamic Approach," in Michael Jacobs, Psychodynamic Counseling in Action 1-3, 6-25 (Los Angeles: Sage, 4th ed., 2010) [online text]

"The Principles of Psychoanalytic Therapy," in Franz Alexander, Fundamentals of Psychoanalysis 272-302 (New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1963)

Class Videos

Introduction: Sigmund Freud by Michael Lacewing
[39:15 mins.] [begin class presentation at 4:47 mins., end at 8:26 mins.] [Michael Lacewing's presentation is a video in the St. Johns Nottingham series of presentations on philosophy and theology in their Video Timeline Project] [for a longer presentation, end 29:55 mins.]

Class Viewing: 2017 Personality 09: Freud and the Dynamic Unconscious [48:21 mins.] [2017 course lecture in Jordan Peterson's course, Personality and Its Transformation] [skip from 9:40 mins. to 15:12 mins.] [approx. viewing time, 43 mins.]

[autonomous personalities that inhabit the psyche, at 3:14 mins., end at 7:47 mins.] [on studying and how we get distracted, 20:15 mins., ends at 21:36 mins.] [on dreams, at 22:53 mins., end at 23:30 mins.] [on repression (Freud's conception questioned), at 31:43 mins., end at 33:12 mins.] [on id, ego, and superego, at 23:32 mins., end at 28:34 mins.][on complexes, at 33:14 mins., end at 34:47 mins.] [defense mechanisms, at 35:44 mins., end at 40:59 mins.]

Reference (Jordan Peterson on Freud)

Freud: An Overview
[1:18:39 mins.] [2016 lecture in Jordan Peterson's course, Personality and Its Transformation] [end video at 13:14 mins.] [resume video at
17:19 mins., end at 33:37 mins.] [resume at 39:29 mins., end at 46:04 mins.] [low quality video]

Jordan B. Peterson on Sigmund Freud's Depth Psychology
[1:14:39 mins.] [2015 Personality and Its Transformation lecture]
Pt2 [1:16:07 mins.] [The 2nd part of Peterson's lecture on Freud ends at 38:50 mins.]

2014 Personality Lecture 09: Sigmund Freud
[1:18:50 mins.] [presentation begins at 3:31 mins.]

Jordan Peterson Explains Psychoanalytic Theory
[24:13 mins.] ["the circumscribed space for rationality"] [poor quality video]

Where Sigmund Freud was Wrong and Where He was Right
[17:28 mins.] [questions Freud's theory of repression]

The Failed Hero Story vs The Successful (Freud vs Jung)
[7:27 mins.]

The Hero's Journey in Carl Jung's Psychoanalysis
[35:52 mins.] [an excerpt from Peterson's series of lectures on the Bible]

The Interpretation of Dreams
[7:36 mins.] [juxtaposing Freud and Jung's approaches]

Introduction to Freud and Psycholanalysis (School of Life)

Psychotherapy: Sigmund Freud [7:19 mins.] [end presentation at 2:31 mins.]

How Our Childhoods Affect Our Adult Lives [7:58 mins.]

How Our Past Influences Our Present [7:35 mins.]

Introductions to Freud's Work

What is Psychoanalysis? The Ego, the Id and the Superego
[10:57 mins.] [discussion of Freud's model of conflict] [Freud Museum of London]

What Was Freud's Model of the Mind?
[3:32 mins.] [Rafael Sharon]

Introduction to Psychoanalytical Psychology: Donald R. Bigelow

Introduction to Psychology: Freud
[56:30 mins.] [Paul Bloom, Yale University] [2008] [begin presentation at 6:58 mins.; end at 13:45 mins.] [at 13:45 mins., Bloom begins presentation of Freud's theory of psychosexual development, if this part of the presentation is used, end class presentation at 20:48 mins.] [concentration on the unconscious and unconscious motivation; id, ego, superego introduced at 10:22 mins.] [on ego defense mechanisms, see 20:48 mins. to 25:40 mins.] [for a longer showing of the video end at 28:40 mins.] [at 32:52 mins. Bloom discusses the contemporary critique of Freudian theory]

Psychoanalytic Theories
43 mins.] [audio with slides] [Diane Gehart] [end class presentation at 30:52 mins.]

Freud in the 21st Century: Psychoanalysis and/or Psychology
[1:26:11 mins.] [lecture begins at 3:50 mins.] [Timothy L. Hulsey, Virginia Commonwealth University psychology professor] [looking at psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic theory from an academic perspective; commentary changes direction at 16:20 mins., begins to focus on Freud's biography] [if you skip the biography section of the lecture, resume the lecture at 26:28 mins., end at 31:02 mins.] [total viewing: 18 mins.]

Chris Dula Lectures: Freud & Psychoanalysis

Psychoanalysis & Psychoanalytic Treatment
[15:50 mins.] [Chris Dula's class lectures, East Tennessee State University] [end presentation at 2:22 mins.] [If presentation continues, skip Dula's rant on dreams at 5:28 mins. to 7:14 mins.] [In the Dula lecture there are references to: the unconscious | id, ego, superego | Freud's "energy model" | repression; comments on transference & countertransference begins at 7:14 mins.; Dula goes on to comment on resistance, defense mechanisms, insight (and insight therapies)]

On Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory
[14:05 mins.] [begin at 5:18 mins.; end at 10:26 mins.]

On Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory: Ego, Super Ego, Ego Ideal, Neurosis, Anxiety
[14:15 mins.] [end at 11:20 mins.]

Personality: Freudian Psychoanalysis
[14:05 mins.] Pt 2 [14:15 mins.] Pt3 [13:08 mins.] [ego defense mechanisms: repression, regression, displacement, reaction formation] Pt4 [5:47 mins.] [Ego Defense Mechanisms: sublimation, projection, rationalization, denial] Pt5 [11:00 mins.] [psychosexual stages of development: oral and anal] Pt6 [10:39 mins.] [psychosexual stages of development: phallic, latency, genital]

Additional Brief Introductions to Freud's Theories

Freud and the Psychoanalysis
[15:15 mins.]

Psychoanalytic Theory
[7:41 mins.]

Freud's Contribution to Psychology
[3:01 mins.]

Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis
[44:48 mins.] [Jon Mills, Adler Graduate Professional School, Toronto] [Recommends his audience read Freud's New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis, based on lectures given by Freud] Pt2 [35:15 mins.]

100 Years of Psychoanalysis in America
[11:00 mins.]

Freud and the Psychoanalysis
[15:15 mins.]

Theories of Counseling: Psychoanalytic Therapy
[28:23 mins.] [audio]

Introduction to Freud: Topographic and Structural Models
[15:27 mins.] [audio with slides]

Psychoanalytic Theory & Analysis

Freud and Psychoanalysis
[15:15 mins.]

The Psychoanalytic Mind
[36:53 mins.] [Boston, 2015] [Fred Busch] [Busch presentation begins at 2:15 mins.]

Psychoanalysis: An Introduction
[7:03 mins.] [psychoanalysts talk about psychoanalysis]

What is Psychoanalysis?
[3:23 mins.] [animation]

Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis
[5:48 mins.] [brief statements by psychoanalysts, begins at 0:54 mins., ends at 1:46 mins.]

Who Can Benefit from Analysis?
[6:59 mins.] [Toronto Psychoanalytic Institute]

[46:39 mins.] [Eric Landrum]

The History of Psychoanalysis | Lecture 1: Psychoanalysis as a Treatment for Mental Disorders
[1:44:44 mins.] [Aleksandar Dimitrijevic recorded at Stillpoint Spaces in Berlin, 2016] Lecture 2: Psychoanalysis as a Science [1:36:37 mins.] Lecture 3: Psychoanalysis as a Personality Theory [2:05:07 mins.] Lecture 4: Psychoanalysis as a Developmental Theory [1:45:05 mins.] Lecture 5: Psychoanalysis as an Applied Discipline [1:42:53 mins.] Lecture 6: Psychoanalysis as a Profession [1:49:40 mins.]

Psychoanalysis: The Beginnings–History of Modern Psychology
[31:33 mins.] Psychoanalysis: After the Founding [28:17 mins.]

Interview with Peter Fonagy
[16:11 mins.] [class presentation begins at 6:24 mins.]

Socialization and Personality Development
[35:55 mins.] [Kevin Riggs] [audio] [commentary on the id, ego, and superego]

History of Psychoanalysis
[24:36 mins.]

100 Years of Psychoanalysis in America
[11:00 mins.] [American Psychoanalytic Association] [commentary on the early history of psychoanalysis]

Freud and Beyond: Introduction to Freud
[1:41:39 mins.] [Don Craveth, Toronto Psychoanalytic Society] Freud and Religion [56:02 mins.] Ferenczi [1:04:24 mins.] Ferenczi Superego Klein Kernberg Projective Identification [1:58:51 mins.] Death Instinct, Bion, Winnicott [2:19:15 mins.] Suttie, Bowlby, Erikson [1:53:56 mins.] Fromm, Sullivan, Sartre [2:15:41 mins.] Narcissismm, Lacan, Aichhorn, Kohut, Spotnitz, Kernberg [2:02:54 mins.]

Woody Allen on Psychoanalysis
[6:42 mins.] [interview by Dick Cavett]

Frasier & Lilith Argue about Freud
[2:34 mins.]

British Psychoanalysis Yesterday and Today
[15:48 mins.] [Freud; an historical perspective]

Psychoanalysis Today
[37:33 mins.] [Chicago Institute of Psychoanalysis lecture, "The Unconscious Today" by Charles Jaffe, December, 2015 ] Pt2 [37:31 mins.] Pt3 [5:26 mins.]

Putting Psychoanalysis into Practice
[4:17 mins.]

Can Psychoanalysis Liberate the Soul?
[30:18 mins.] [Jane Goldberg: relates psychoanalysis to psychotherapy; talks about psyche and soul; commenting on the tradition of psychoanalysts being physicians]

Modern Psychoanalysis
[25:17 mins.] [Mark Sell]

Shame, Unknowing and the Between
[22:24 mins.] [David Henderson]

Psychoanalysis and the Possibility of Meaning
[38:06 mins.] [Gerald Gargiulo reading a chapter from his book, Psyche, Self, and Soul]

Psychoanalysis vs Therapy: On Two Contrasting Discursivities
[2:11:46 mins.] [Benjamin Mayer-Foulkes] [2012]

Freudian Analysts

Psychoanalysis: An Introduction
[7:03 mins.] [psychoanalysts talk about psychoanalysis]

What Is Psychoanalysis?
[12:14 mins.] [Susan K. Moore, Toronto Psychoanalytic Society interviews Donald L. Craveth] [end presentation at 8:14 mins.]

On Becoming a Psychoanalyst and the Nature of Psychoanalysis
[4:03 mins.]

Training to be a Psychoanalyst
[14:44 mins.] [discussion of psychoanalytic training at the Institute of Psychoanalysis, London]

The Legacies of Theodor Reik
[53:44 mins.] Pt2 [1:03:32 mins.] Pt3 [39:30 mins.] Pt4 [20:53 mins.]

Erich Fromm
[29:35 mins.] [Mike Wallace Interview]

A Psychoanalyst Talking with Students
[14:44 mins.] [Betty Joseph, 2007] [commenting on the place of imagination in psychoanalysis; flexibility to "move" in one's thinking; looking at the analytical situation "when you get stuck or bored"] [excerpt from a documentary film, "Encounters Through Generations"]

Meeting Anne Marie Sandler
[4:01 mins.] [excerpt from a documentary film, "Encounters Through Generations"]

Putting Psychoanalysis into Practice
[4:17 mins.] [Jessica Benjamin]

Anouchka Grose in conversation with Ajay Khandelwal
[47:35 mins.] [begin presentation at 6:46 mins.]

Encounters through Generations
[10:56 mins.]

Resuscitating Freud's First Paradigm of Psychoanalysis
[1:28:02 mins.] [Robert J. Langs, a psychoanalyst, talking about his life]

Gerald Gargiulo

Becoming a Psychotherapist: Autobiography
[21:34 mins.] [Gerald Gargiulo talks about his life]

Reading a Chapter from His Book Psyche, Self and Soul
[38:05 mins.]

Psychoanalytic Training Programs

American Psychoanalytic Association approved training programs:

Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute

Chicago Psychoanalytic Institute

Cincinnati Psychoanalytic Society and Institute

Columbia University Psychoanalytic Training and Research Center

New Center for Psychoanalysis Los Angeles

New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute

Seattle Psychoanalytic Society and Institute

St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute

The Research Center of the New York Psychoanalytic Society

Institute Western New England Institute for Psychoanalysis

Freud Documentaries

Sigmund Freud's Interpretation of Dreams
[14:59 mins.] Pt2 [12: 53 mins.] Pt3 [14:35 mins.] Pt4 [6:55 mins.]

The Father of Psychoanalysis
[56:59 mins.] [NOVA]

The Biography of Sigmund Freud
[19:00] [alt. posting] Pt1 [2:18 mins.] ["the look within"] Pt2 [9:56 mins.] Pt3 [9:52 mins.] Pt4 [5:43 mins.] Pt5 [4:41 mins.]

Sigmund Freud Documentary
[21:49 mins.]

The Case of Sigmund Freud
[9:48 mins.] [audio; BBC] Pt2 [7:01 mins.] Pt3 [10:51 mins.]

Freud Home Movies
[23:51 mins.]

Sigmund Freud: The Last Decade
[2:02 mins.] [narrated by Anna Freud]

Anna Freud
[55:01 mins.]

Freud on Psychoanalysis

A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis
[8:51:26 mins.] [a reading from Freud's book] [Freud's presentation of "the psychoanalytic conception of neurotic manifestation" begins at 7:56 mins.] [informative presentation of a case of obsessional jealousy can end at 27:54 mins.]

Freud's Books

A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis

The Origin and Development of Psychoanalysis

The Interpretation of Dreams

A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis
[8:29:13 mins.] Pt2 [9:23:09 mins.]

Psychopathology of Everyday Life
[7:15:28 mins.] [audiobook]

Sigmund Freud's Interpretation of Dreams
[15:00 mins.] Pt2 [12:53 mins.] Pt3 [14:35 mins.] Pt4 [6:55 mins.]

Dream Psychology
[6:05:27 mins.] [audio book] [the introduction runs for the first 13:32 mins. of the audio] Ch.1 [33:59 mins.] Ch.2 [44:04 mins.] Ch.3 [33:10 mins.]

The Future of an Illusion
[1:56:11 mins.]

Totem and Taboo
[50:45 mins.] Pt2 [2:15:21 mins.] Pt3 [56:54 mins.] Pt4 [2:21:20 mins.]

Psychoanalytic Theory: Basic Concepts

Psychotherapy–Sigmund Freud
[7:19 mins.] [School of Life]

Introduction to Freud's Personality Theory
[6:11 mins.]

Freud and Psychoanalysis
[15:16 mins.] [audio] [introductory comments on Freud and his ideas]

Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory on Instincts: Motivation, Personality and Development
[5:14 mins.]

Lectures on Psychoanalytic Theory

An Introductory Lecture on Psychoanalysis
[46:39 mins.] [audio] [Eric Landrum, Department of Psychology, Boise State University]

Freud's Theory of Human Nature
[44:34 mins.]

Psychosexual Stages of Development

Freud's Psychosexual Development
[12:19 mins.]

Freud's Psychosexual Stages
[4:10 mins.]

Freud Psychosexual Stages of Development
[9:36 mins.]


Sigmund Freud's Interpretation of Dreams
[14:59 mins.] Pt2 [14:45 mins.] Pt3 [14:43 mins.] Pt4 [6:55 mins.]

Freudian Dream Theory
[11:46 mins.] [audio with slides]

Freud's Interpretation of Dreams
[3:06 mins.]


Freud on the Unconscious

Freudian Theory and Consciousness: A Conceptual Analysis

Id, Ego, Superego

Freud and Psychoanalysis
[15:15 mins.] [audio with visual slides] [commentary on Freud's structural model--id, ego, superego--begins at 7:26 mins., ends at 10:20 mins.]

Introduction to the Id, the Superego and the Ego
[4:47 mins.]

Freud's Theory of Human Nature
[44:34 mins.] [commentary on Freud's structural model of the mind (id, ego, superego) begins at 5:06 mins. and ends at 18:34 mins.]

Introduction to Freud: Topographic & Structural Models
[15:27 mins.]

Freud: Id, Ego, Superego
[7:23 mins.]

Id, Ego, Superego
[3:08 mins.] [animation]

Freud's Explanation

Id, Ego, and Superego in Psychoanalytic Theory

The Structure of the Unconscious


Sexual Transference and Countertransference in Psychodynamic Therapy
[14:50 mins.]

Freud on Repression

Freud on Repression

Repression: Anxiety Filter for the Ego
[an introductory comment]

Critical Concepts: Psychological Repression
[critical concepts in literary analysis]

Freudian Repression, the Common View, and Pathological Science
[Review of General Psychology, 2006]

Does Repression Exist? Memory, Pathogenic, Unconscious and Clinical Evidence
[Review of General Psychology, 2008]


Freud on Transference

Psychology for Lawyers: Course Resources (Transference and Countertransference)


Freud on Resistance

Psychological Resistance

Defense Mechanisms

Psychology for Lawyers: Course Resources

Freud on Sublimation
[5:18 mins.]

Psychoanalysis: Current Perspectives

Interview with Steven Grosz
[12:18 mins.][author of The Examined Mind: How We Lose and Find Ourselves (New York: W.W. Norton, 2014)]

Psychoanalysis in the United States
[1 hr. 32 mins.] [roundtable discussion; participants are Jay Greenberg, William Grossman, Peter Loewenberg, Robert Michels, Edward Nersessian, and Jerome Winer]

Is Freud Dead: The Relevance of Freud's Theories in Today's World
[1:48:54 mins.]

Modern Psychoanalysis: Its Place in Psychoanalytic History
[1:20:59 mins.] [Sara Sheftel]

The Origins of Freud's Imagination
[1:46:34 mins.]

The Place of Agency & Norms in Psychoanalysis
[1:56:28 mins.]

Psychotherapy for the People: Freud amd Ferenczi
[1:41:58 mins.]

What Kind of Science is Psychoanalysis?
[1:57:32 mins.] [panel presentations by Robert Galatzer-Levy, Irwin Z. Hoffman, Fred M. Levinm and Frank Summers] [Robert Galatzer-Levy's presentation begins at 5:00 mins. and ends at 20:58 mins.] [Irwin Z. Hoffman is introduced at 21:00 mins.] [Fred Levin is introduced at 44:18 mins.]

A Case for Psychoanalysis: Exploring the Scientific Evidence
[43:57 mins.]

Psychoanalysis in Digital Culture
[1:24:52 mins.] [Sherry Turkle]

Psychoanalysis and Therapy: Contrasting Discursivities
[2:11:46 mins.]

Psychoanalysis in the Ashes of History
[59:46 mins.] [Lecture by Cathy Caruth (Professor of Comparative Literature and English, Emory University)]

2015 Freud Memorial Lecture, University of Essex
[1:02:31 mins.] [University of Essex] [Alessandra Lemma] ["mind and body are inseparable"]

2012 Annual Freud Memorial Lecture
[1:15:06 mins.] [University of Essex] [Jan Abram on "Winnicott's last word on the death instinct"]

50 Years of Contemporary Psychoanalysis: Confluence and Influence
[14:17 mins.]

Stefano Bolognini: The Humanizing Function of Contemporary Pschoanalytic Empathy
[47:18 mins.] Questions & Answers [33:02 mins.]

Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, and the Question of Evil
[52:16 mins.] [Jon Mills]

Freud's Three Main Contributions
[49:17 mins.] [Don Carveth]

A Short Course on Freud's Psychoanalysis

About Psychoanalysis
[American Psychoanalytic Association]

Sigmund Freud: Personality Theories
C. George Boeree]

On the Unconscious
[Dino Felluga, Modules on Freud: On the Unconscious, Introductory Guide to Critical Theory, Purdue University]

On Neurosis
[Dino Felluga]

Freud on Resistance and Repression
[Sigmund Freud, Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis]

Psychoanalytic Theory & Psychoanalysis|Misc.

BBC Masterpieces of Vienna: Freud's Couch
[29:10 mins.]

Psychoanalysis on the Far Side of the 20th Century
[2:00:20 mins.]

Freud and Oedipus
[2:01 mins.]

What is Psychoanalysis? The Oedipus Complex
[10:44 mins.]

Freud and Jung on Dreams
[25:10 mins.] [Britt-Marie Schiller on Freud; Rose Holt on Jung] [Schiller is Dean and Faculty Member, St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute] [Holt is a Jungian analyst in private practice in St. Louis and Chicago and active in the C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago Analyst Training Program] [Schiller's presentation on Freud ends at 12:50 mins.]

Psychoanalysis of Chronic Depression
[58:10 mins.]

The Maternal in Contemporary Psychoanalysis and Feminist Thought
[20:31 mins.]

Jan Abram on "Winnicott's Last Word on the Death Instinct"
[1:15:06 mins.]

Psychoanalysis And The New Shamanism: Jung and Freud
[5:47 mins.]

The Evil Genius of Psychoanalysis
[2:31:05 mins.] [a lecture by Arnold Wm. Rachman at the Library of Congress on the mutual analysis between Dr. Sándor Ferenczi and Elizabeth Severn, which took place from 1925 to 1933; considered one of the most controversial episodes in psychoanalytic history]

The Question of God: C.S. Lewis and Sigmund Freud
[59:45 mins.] [Armand Nicholi, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, gives an address]

Beyond Instinct and Intellect: Modern Psychoanalysis
[1:45:16 mins.] [Donna Orange, author of Emotional Understanding and Thinking for Clinicians, and George Hagman, author of Aesthetic Experience: Beauty, Creativity, debate the future of psychoanalysis.] [Donna Orange presentation begins at 6:41 mins.][Introduction of George Hagman begins at 1:08:20 mins.; Hagman presentation begins at 1:10:00 mins.]

Resuscitating Freud's First Paradigm of Psychoanalysis
[1:28:02 mins.] [Robert J. Langs, a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst]

On Life, Psychoanalysis and Spirituality
[51:59 mins.] [an interview of Nancy McWilliams] Talks to New Therapist [16:07 mins.] Master Clinicians and Theologians in Dialogue: Nancy McWilliams [45:11 mins.]

Toward a Spiritual Point of View in Psychoanalysis
[1:19:55 mins.] [audio] [a lecture by John Mack, Harvard]

Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis
[5:48 mins.]

Reference (Psychoanalytic Theory & Film)

Film and Psychoanalysis
[12:14 mins.]

Secrets of a Soul: A History of Psychoanalysis and Cinema
[1:15:00 mins.] [panel discussion]

Using Films in Psychoanalysis
[9:10 mins.]

Reference (Psychoanalytic Theory & Literature)

Literature and Psychoanalysis: Reciprocal Insights
[1:50:01 mins.]

Psychoanalysis, Narrative, and Freud
[9:26 mins.]

Reference (Relational Psychoanalysis)

The Analytic and the Relational: Inquiring into Psychotherapy Practice
[1:01:16 mins.] [Farhad Dalal] [2016] [an account of his divergence from traditional psychoanalytic practices]

Integral Psychology & Relational Psychoanalysis
[12:29 mins.]

Relational Psychoanalysis in the USA and Britain
[1:38 mins.] [Andrew Samuels]

A Critique of the Postmodern Turn in Relational Psychonalysis
[39:57 mins.] [Jon Mills]

Reference (Race)

Black Psychoanalysts Speak
[11:11 mins.]

Reference (Freud & Jewish Studies)

Who Was Sigmund Freud? Jewish Biography as History
[42:35 mins.]

Freud, Moses and the Holocaust
[1:32:41 mins.] [2014] [Sander Gilman]

The Jewish Body Image and Psychoanalysis
[1:21:07 mins.] [2016] [Sander Gilman]

Eran Rolnik Tnterviewed by Stephen Frosh on Psychoanalysis and Zionism
[1:41:46 mins.]

Forgiveness in Judaism and Psychoanalysis
[1:34:50 mins.] [2015] [introduction of the speaker, Stephen Frosh by Sander Gilman ends at 14:35 mins.]

Freud, Secularism, and Jewish History at The New School
[2:01:35 mins.] [forum speakers include: David Aberbach, author of Surviving Trauma: Loss, Literature, and Psychoanalysis and Turning Points in Jewish Intellectual History; Richard H. Armstrong, author of A Compulsion for Antiquity: Freud and the Ancient World; and Andrew R. Heinze, author of Jews and the American Soul and Adapting to Abundance: Jewish Immigrants, Mass Consumption, and the Search for American Identity. Moderated by Richard J. Bernstein, author of Freud and the Legacy of Moses.]

Reference (Buddhism & Psychoanalysis)

Mark Epstein: The Trauma of Everday Life
[55:57 mins.] [psychiatrist & author of Thoughts Without a Thinker and The Trauma of Everyday Life]

Everyday Trauma: Perspectives from Buddhism & Psychoanalysis
[2:00:11 mins.] [Mark Epstein's lecture begins his lecture at 10:20 mins.]

Reference (Psychoanalysis & the Spiritual)

Toward a Spiritual Point of View in Psychoanalysis
[1:19:55 mins.] [audio] [John E. Mack] [Professor of Psychology, Harvard] [1991] [A paper developed from this talk, "Psychoanalysis and the Self: Toward a Spiritual Point of View," was published in L.S. Roune (ed.), Selves, People, and Persons: What Does it Mean to Be a Self? 169-186 (Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 1992)

Web Resources

A Glossary of Freudian Terms
[Craig Chalquist]

Summary of Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory
[1:10 mins.] [psychosexual stages]

Psychoanalysis: Techniques and Practice

On Freud
[Dino Felluga, "Modules on Freud," Introductory Guide to Critical Theory] [sections on psycho-sexual development, the unconscious, repression, neurosis, and transference]

Ego Ideal


Contact Professor Elkins