James R. Elkins
"Class Action"
Running Time: 1hr.49 mins.
▪ Roger Ebert ▪ Rolling Stone ▪ Robert Roten ▪ New York Times
▪ eFilmCritic.com ▪ Spirituality & Practice ▪ Washington Post
▪ Los Angeles Times ▪ Film Bobbery ▪ AMC
The Film: Interview with the Producer and Writer-Producers
Mark Tushnet, "Class Action: One View of Gender and Law in Popular Culture," in John Denvir (ed.), Legal Reelism: Movies as Legal Texts 244-260 (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1996)
"The Civil Justice System" ("Class Action"), in Michael Asimow & Shannon Mader (eds.), Law and Popular Culture: A Course Book 183-201 (New York: Peter Lang, 2004)
Cynthia Lucia, Framing Female Lawyers: Women on Trial in Film 68-81 (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2005)(and references throughout the book)
"Class Action," in Paul Bergman & Michael Asimow, Reel Justice: The Courtroom Goes to the Movies 270-276 (Kansas City: Andrews & McMeel, 1996)
On the Disclosure of Damaging Documents
▪ Lawrence J. Fox, I'm Just an Associate . . . at a New York Firm, 69 Fordham L.Rev. 939 (2000)(a fictional story)
▪ "Discovery," in Cameron Stracher's Double Billing: A Young Lawyer's Tale of Greed, Sex, Lies, and the Pursuit of a Swivel Chair (New York: Willima Morrow & Co., 1998)
Film Basics
