"The Sweet Hereafter"
"The Sweet Hereafter" is based on a Russell Banks novel of the same title. [Wikipedia] [Literature Annotations]
Best Films of 1997: "The Sweet Hereafter" is rated by Gene Siskel, the film critic, as one of the 10 best films
of 1997. [Film
Picks — Siskel & Ebert]
On Forgiveness:
Leonard V. Kaplan, Of Transgression and Forgiveness
[University of Wisconsin Law School]
Film Basics
Final Revised Draft of the Screenplay
Film Bibliography
Margaret J. Fried & Lawrence A. Frolik, The Limits of Law: Litigation, Lawyers and the Search for Justice in Russell Banks' The Sweet Hereafter, 7 Cardozo Stud. L. & Lit. 1 (1995)
Paul A. LeBel, "Giving Voice to Anger: The Role of the Lawyer in The Sweet Hereafter," in Rennard Strickland, Teree E. Foster & Taunya Lovell Banks (eds.), Screening Justice—The Cinema of Law: Significant Films of Law, Order and Social Justice 657-677 (Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein & Company, 2006)
Tony McAdams, Blame and The Sweet Hereafter, 24 Legal Stud. F. 599 (1999) [on-line text]
James R. Olchowy, Russell Banks' The Sweet Hereafter, Legal Storytelling and the Need for Alternatives to Litigation: Bypassing Court and "Bringing this Town Back Together," 14 Windsor Rev. Leg. & Soc. Issues 115 (2002)
Timothy P. O'Neill, There Will Be Blame: Misfortune and Injustice in "The Sweet Hereafter," 5 U. Den. Sports & Entertainment L. J. 19 (2008) [on-line text]
Zahr K. Said, Incorporating Literary Methods and Texts in the Teaching of Tort Law, 3 Calif. L. Rev. Circuit 170 (2012) [on-line text]
Austin Sarat, Imagining the Law of the Father: Loss, Dread, and Mourning in The Sweet Hereafter, 34 Law & Soc'y Rev. 3 (2000) [on-line text]
_________, Exploring the Hidden Domains of Civil Justice: Naming, Blaming, and Claiming in Popular Culture, 50 DePaul L. Rev. 425, 429 (2000)
Mary Ann Beavis, The Sweet Hereafter: Law, Wisdom and Family Revisited, 5 J. Religion & Film (2001) [on-line text]
David Hutchinson, "Atom Egoyan: The Sweet Hereafter," in Coral Ann Howells (ed.), Where are the Voices Coming From?: Canadian Culture and the Legacies of History 137-148 (New York: Rodopi, 2004)
Rob Bullard, "Trauma and the Technological
Accident in Atom Egoyan's The Sweet Hereafter, in Christine Cornea
& Rhys Owain Thmas (eds.), Dramatising Disaster: Character, Event,
Representation 23-38 (England: Cambridge Scholars Publ., 2013)