Focusing on the Story in the Film
R. Elkins
I have searched widely in the scholarly work on film theory, film criticism,
and film studies for ways of working with lawyer films that might be of
use in reading lawyer films. The most accessible, relevant source is the work of screenwriters, and screenwriting
consultants. Screenwriting people know that films are stories. They focus
on how stories work, and how they fail.
Recommended Reading
Robert McKee, Story: Substance, Structure, Style, and the Principles
of Screenwriting (New York: HarperCollins/ ReganBooks, 1997)
Christopher Vogler, The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure for
Writers (Studio City, California: Michael Wiese Productions, 3rd
ed., 2007)
Supplemental Reading
James Bonnet, Stealing Fire From the Gods (Studio City, California:
Michael Wiese Productions, 2nd ed., 2006)
Syd Field, Screenplay: The Foundations of Screenwriting (New
York: Delta Book, rev. ed., 2005)
Howard Suber, The Power of Film (Studio City, California:
Michael Weise Productions, 2006)
John Truby, The Anatomy of Story: 22 Steps to Becoming a Master
Storyteller (New York: Faber and Faber, 2007)
Screenwriting Videos

Robert McKee
Robert Mckee on The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos
[10: 30 mins.]
Big Thinking Interview
[1:00:38 mins.]
The Destructiveness of Formulaic Screenwriting
[3:51 mins.]
Don't Mistake Words for Writing
[6:47 mins.]
Writers Make Sense Out of Chaos
[9:10 mins.]
Robert McKee's Storylogue
[9:53 mins.]
Robert McKee Discussing the "Education Plot"
[2:26 mins.]
[2:25 mins.]
Story Seminar: Lifetime
[1:25 mins.]
Story Seminar: Story Design
[2:17 mins.]
10 Traits of Faulty Dialogue
[9:14 mins.]
Story Seminar:
[5:24 mins.]
Christopher Vogler
The Hero's Journey in Writing and Entrepreneurship
[31:52 mins.]
Conversation with Christopher Vogler
[6:44 mins.] Pt2 [2:27 mins.] Pt3 [2:42 mins.] Pt4 [2:51 mins.] Pt5 [4:20 mins.]
Mythology in Screenwriting
[27:33 mins.] [audio, interview]
Howard Suber
The Power of Film
[2:38 mins.]
Power of Film
[2:01 mins.] Pt2 [2:08 mins.]
Storytelling with Howard Suber: The Western
[7:13 mins.]
Interview d'Howard Suber - Forum d'Avignon 2009
[7:47 mins.]
John Truby
The Anatomy of
Story: Pt1 & 2
[6:44 mins.] Pt3 [3:38 mins.] Pt4 [7:17 mins.]
Anatomy of Story
[1:25:30 mins.] [The Complete Film Courage Interview]
The Reason Why Writers Fail at the Premise
[3:30 mins.]
Introducing the Characters in Your Story
[2:30 mins.]
Most Important Element In Developing Character
[2:30 mins.]
Why Most People Fail At Screenwriting
[9:47 mins.]
Misconceptions about Rewriting
[6:01 mins.]
The Difference Between Professional And Amateur Writers
[1:46 mins.]
How To Suprise the Audience
[4:27 mins.]
John Truby Speaks on Myth Form
[2:45 mins.]
How to Write the Myth Genre
[8:38 mins.]
The Premise Line, Desire and Weakness
[6:28 mins.]
Getting Into Your Character's Mindset
[6:07 mins.]
Getting the Story Right
[2:58 mins.]
The Story World
[6:03 mins.]
Syd Field
Syd Field in Conversation
[13:13 mins.] Pt2 [10:02 mins.] Pt3 [12:48 mins.]
Michael Hauge
Every Story Needs a Hero
Common Problems with First Scripts
Pamela Jaye Smith
Creating Great Villains, Dangerous Situations, & Dramatic Conflict
[1:01:48 mins.] [on using mythology in screenwriting]
Something Screenwriters Probably Don't Know About Evil Characters
[2:24 mins.]
Every Successful Screenwriter Has This Quality
[4:31 mins.]
Theory Overview
to Characters
in "To Kill a Mockingbird"
Tale is a Story
the Story Mind
Story is an Argument
Reason & Emotion Archetypes
Four Throughlines
to Write a Script: Story Structure
Structure in a Nutshell
Script Does NOT Have Three Acts
Story Theory and Practice
to Write a Story
School Online: Story
On Screen Storytelling
More on Screenwriting
to Write a Script: Basics
Pompous Film Critic: How NOT to Write a Script
Kazan: Tricks of Screenwriting
Friedmann: Teaching Screenwriting
C. Martell - Hollywood Screenwriter
Learning about Screenwriting from the Masters
Turner :: Joe
Eszterhas :: Paul
Haggis :: David
Goyer :: Ted
Griffin :: Scott
Rosenberg :: Bruce
Joel Rubin :: Susannah
Grant :: Paul
Attanasio :: Billy
Ray :: Jim
Uhls :: Callie
Khouri :: Nia
Vardalos :: Jose
Riveria :: John
Hamburg :: Syd Field with Stuart Beattie

Bob Berman, Fade In: The Screenwriting Process (Studio City,
California: Michael Wiese Productions, 2000)
Marisa D'Vari, Script Magic: Subconscious Techniques to Conquer Writer's
Block (Studio City, California: Michael Wiese Productions, 2000)
Lajos Egri, The Act of Dramatic Writing: Its Basis in the
Creative Interpretation of Human Motives (New York: Simon & Schuster,
Syd Field, The Screenwriter's Problem Solver: How to Recognize, Identify,
and Define Screenwriting Problems (New York: Dell Publishing, 1998)
Andrew Horton, Writing the Character-Centered Screenplay (University
of California Press, 2000)
Lew Hunter, Lew Hunter's Screenwriting 434: The Industry's Premier
Teacher Reveals the Secrets of the Successful Screenplay (Perigee
Trade, rev. ed., 2004)
Karl Iglesias, The 101 Habits Of Highly Successful Screenwriters:
Insider's Secrets from Hollywood's Top Writers (Adams Media, 2001)
Richard W. Krevolin, Screenwriting from the Soul: Letters to an Aspiring
Screenwriter (Renaissance Books, 1998)
Linda Seger, Creating Unforgettable Characters (New York: Henry
Holt, 1990)
Jennifer Van Sijll, Cinematic Storytelling: The 100 Most Powerful
Film Conventions Every Filmmaker Must Know (Studio City, California:
Michael Weise Productions, 2005)
Blake Snyder, Save the Cat! Goes to the Movies: The Screenwriter's
Guide to Every Story Ever Told (Studio City, California: Michael
Weise Productions, 2007)
___________, Save The Cat! The Last Book on Screenwriting You'll
Ever Need (Studio City, California: Michael Weise Productions, 2005)
Kristin Thompson, Storytelling in the New Hollywood: Understanding
Classical Narrative Technique (Cambridge: Harvard University Press,
Michael Tierno, Aristotle's Poetics for Screenwriters: Storytelling
Secrets From the Greatest Mind in Western Civilization (New York:
Hyperion, 2002)
Web Resources
 Christopher Vogler
Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers
Vogler's Screenwriting Workshop
Myth to Power Your Stories
Robert McKee
Robert McKee