Strangers to Us All
Lawyers and Poetry

Charles Carroll Bonney


Pencil sketch made from photography by Eduard Biedermann

The Work of the Open Court Publishing Co.
An Illustrated Catalogue of Its Publications Covering
a Period of Twenty-One Years (1887-1907)(
Chicago: The Open Court Publishing Co., 1908)(p. 18)

--Chicago lawyer and a Swedenborgian

Charles Carroll Bonney
Appleton's Encyclopedia


Charles Carroll Bonney, The Present Conflict of Labor and Capital,
a Discourse
(Chicago: Chicago Legal News Co., 1886)

__________________, Law Reform and the Future of the Legal Profession (Chicago: Chicago Legal News Co., 1883)

__________________, A Summary of the Law of Marine, Fire and Life Insurance with practical forms, modern cases, and computing rules: designed for the guidance of insurance companies and the convenience of the legal profession (Chicago: E.B. Myers & Chandler, 1865)

__________________, The True Doctrine of the Tariff (Chicago: Chicago Legal News Co., 1881)

__________________, A Great Lawyer (Chicago: Chicago Legal News Co., 1881)

__________________, Rules of law for the carriage and delivery of persons and property by railway with the leading railway statutes and decisions of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York and the United States : prepared for railway companies and the legal profession (Chicago: E.B. Myers, 1864)


George F. Dole, With Absolute Respect: The Swedenborgian Theology of Charles Carroll Bonney (West Chester, Pennsylvania: Swedenborg Foundation, 1993)