Strangers to Us All Lawyers and Poetry

Anton-Hermann Chroust


Professor of law, philosophy, and history,
University of Notre Dame, 1946-1972

Anton-Hermann Chroust was born on January 29, 1907 and died in January, 1982. His poetry, from the 1920s, is contained papers archived at Notre Dame University.


Anton-Hermann Chroust, The Corporate Idea and the Body Politic in the Middle Ages (Notre Dame, Indiana: Notre Dame University Press, 1947)

__________________, Socrates, Man and Myth: The Two Socratic apologies of Xenophon (Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame, 1957)

__________________, Protrepticus: A Reconstruction ([Notre Dame, Indiana]: University of Notre Dame Press, 1964)

__________________, The Rise of the Legal Profession in America (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1965)

__________________, Aristotle: New Light on His Life and on Some of His Lost Works ([Notre Dame, Indiana]: University of Notre Dame Press, 1973)(London: Routledge & K. Paul, 1973)

__________________, Aristotle: Some Novel Interpretations of the Man and His Life ([Notre Dame, Indiana]: University of Notre Dame Press, 1973)(London: Routledge & Keegan Paul, 1973)


Lincoln's Ability As A Lawyer
Illinois Bar Journal

Research Resources

Anton-Hermann Chroust Papers
University of Notre Dame