Strangers to Us All Lawyers and Poetry

William Michie Coldwell


El Paso attorney, politician, judge and poet

"William Michie Coldwell was born on June 25, 1855 at Michie's Landing in St. Francis Couny, Arkansas, not far from Memphis, Tennessee. His parents were Nathaniel Colbert Coldwell and Julie Michie Coldwell. They migrated to Texas when William was about two years of age, and eventually moved to Austin, where his father served briefly on the Supreme Court. . . . [H]e 'first came to El Paso on the 23rd day of December, 1873, and . . . resided here ever since with the exception of about a year, 1878, spent in silver City, New Mexico.' It is said they traveled in a buckboard." [Colbert Coldwell, William Michie Coldwell, 40 (1) Password 27 (1995)]


W.M. (William Michie) Coldwell, Law and Lawyers in the Stage and Chapparel Days of El Paso: After Dinner Speech ([El Paso, Texas]: s.n.,
1901)["delivered by W.M. Coldwell . . . at the first annual banquet of the El Paso Bar Association, December, 1901"]


Colbert Coldwell, William Michie Coldwell, 40 (1) Password 27-30 (1995)

Ida W. Coldwell, William Michie Coldwell: Pioneer Lawyer and Civic Leader, 34 (3) Password 121-126 (1989)