Strangers to Us All Lawyers and Poetry

Philippe Régis Dénis de Keredern de Trobriand


Library of Congress

De Trobriand was born at Chateau des Rochettes, near Tours, in France. He was educated for a military career but also studied law, and wrote poetry and novels. He toured the United States in 1841 and returned to New York in 1847. Before the Civil War, Trobriand was an author, editor, lawyer, and poet. During the Civil War he served in the Union Army as colonel of the "Garde de Lafayette" of the New York militia. He was promoted to the rank of brigadier general of volunteers in 1864 and brevetted major general the following year. In 1866, Trobriand received a commission as colonel in the regular army and served in Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, and Utah. In 1875 he was stationed in New Orleans and represented the federal government during Reconstruction. Upon retirement from the army in 1879, Trobriand took up residence in New Orleans. He died at Long Island, New York and is interred at St. Anne's Cemetery, Sayville, New York.

Régis de Trobriand

Philip Regis De Trobriand
The National Cyclopedia of Biography 259
(New York: James T. White & Co., 1892)(vol. 6)]

Philippe Regis Denis de Keredern de Trobriand


William B. Styple (ed.), Our Noble Blood: The Civil War Letters of Major General Regis de Trobriand (Kearny: Belle Grove Publishing Company, 1997)(Nathalie Chartrain trans.)


Philippe Régis Dénis de Keredern DeTrobriand, Quatre Ans de Campagnes a l'Armee du Potomac (Paris: A. Lacroix, 1874)(2 vols.)

__________________, Four Years with the Army of the Potomac (Boston: Ticknor and Co., 1888) [online text] [online text]

__________________, Rachel a l' Amerique. 1855. Vie Militaire dans le Dakota (Paris: H. Champion, 1926)

__________________, Vie Militaire dans le Dakota: Notes et Souvenirs (1867-1869)(Paris: H. Champion, 1926)

__________________, Army Life in Dakota, Selections from the Journal of Philippe Regis Denis de Keredern de Trobriand (Chicago: Lakeside Press, 1941)

__________________, Military Life in Dakota (St. Paul: Alvord Memorial Commission, 1951)(St. Paul: Alvord Memorial Commission, 1951)


Marie Caroline Post, The Life and Memoirs of Comte Regis de Trobriand, Major-General in the Army of the United States (New York: E.P. Dutton & Co., 1910)