Strangers to Us All Lawyers and Poetry

Oliver Cromwell Gray


—Ottawa, Illinois lawyer

Oliver Cromwell Gray was born January 1, 1821 "in Steubenville, Jefferson County [Ohio]. He attended Grove Academy and taught school at Knoxville. He later studied law in Cincinnati. He served in the Jefferson Greys in the Mexican War. His poems enjoyed local popularity and were collected and edited by his nephew, David Gray Fickes. His death [July 31, 1871] occurred in Steubenville." [William Coyle (ed.), Ohio Authors and Their Books 253 (Cleveland: World Publishing Co., 1962)][Used with the gracious permission of the Ohioana Library Association]

Poetry (and Prose)

David Gray Fickes (ed.), Oliver Cromwell Gray: A Sketch of His Life, with his Fragmentary Writings (Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1872)