Strangers to Us All Lawyers and Poetry

Davis Ben Johnson


"Johnson, Davis Ben (Dec. 30, 1880-Jan. 8, 1952), lawyer, was born near Matamora, Fulton County. He attended Fayette Normal School and taught school for about twelve years. After attending Chattanooga Law School, he was admitted to the bar in 1916. He practiced in Wauseon, held many local offices, served as county prosecuting attorney and in the Ohio Senate. He wrote verse as a pasttime . . . ."

[William Coyle (ed.), Ohio Authors and their Books: Biographical Data and Selective Bibliographies for Ohio Authors, Native and Resident, 1796-1950 339-340 (Cleveland: World Publishing Co., for the Ohioana Library Association, 1962)] [Used with the gracious permission of the Ohioana Library Association]


Davis Ben Johnson, A Bouquet of Verse (Philadelphia: Dorrance & Co., 1935)

_______________, Hills of Ohio and Other Poems (Wauseon, Ohio, 1936)

_______________, Hodge-Podge (Wauseon, Ohio: Standard Printing Co., 1939)