Strangers to Us All Lawyers and Poetry

Wilbur Larremore

New York

"LARREMORE, Wilbur, lawyer, b. New York, N.Y., 1855. Editor of N.Y. 'Law Journal' since 1890, and author of a volume of verse, 'Mother Carey's Chickens,' 1888."

[Edmund Clarence Stedman (ed.), An American Anthology 1787-1899 805 (Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1900)] [See also: W. Stewart Wallace, A Dictionary of North Ameircan Authors 261 (Toronto: The Ryerson Press, 1951)]


Madam Hickory

Blossom Time


Wilbur Larremore, Viaticum; a poem for the tenth anniversary of the class of 1875 of the College of the city of New York ([n.p.]: 1885)

______________, Mother Carey's Chickens; a Book of Verse (New York: Cassel & Co., 1888) [online text]

______________, Last Lyrics (Jamaica, New York: Marion Press, 1930)(edited by Thomas A. Larremore)("One hundred seventy-two copies printed")

Poems in
The Green Bag
(a legal periodical)

Wilbur Larremore, "Memorial Day," 3 The Green Bag 211 (1891)

______________, "The Holiday of Morpheus, 3 The Green Bag 448 (1891)

______________, "The Bishop of Gretna Green," 5 The Green Bag 264 (1893)

______________, "Henry Clay," 7 The Green Bag 500 (1895)


Wilbur Larremore, Suicide and the Law, 17 Harvard Law Review 331, 331 (1903)

______________, Judicial Legislation in New York, 14 Yale Law Journal 312 (1905)

______________, Incidental Damage to Personal Property in Condemnation Proceedings, 11 Colorado Law Review 147 (1911)

______________, Lawyers in Literature, 2 Green Bag 146 (1890)