Strangers to Us All
Lawyers and Poetry

James Frederick Simmons

North Carolina

J.F. Simmons was born in Halifax County, North Carolina. He was a resident of Mississippi from 1843 to 1847. He returned North Carolina to take up residence there. [Source: John Willis Ellis, Papers (North Carolina: State Department of Archives and History, 1864)][See, Clyde Norman Wilson (ed.), The Papers of John C. Calhoun (Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 2001)(vol. 26) where Simmons is identified as the founder of the Weldon Herald in his native North Carolina while in his early twenties. He subsequently became a planter in Mississippi., a Major in the Confederate Army, and published two collections of poems. Id. at 516]


J. F. Simmons, The Welded Link, and Other Poems (Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1881) [online text]

___________, Rural Lyrics, Elegies, and Other Short Poems (Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1885) [online text]