Memoir and Legal Education



Legal Education Memoirs: Books

Lawrence Dieker, Jr., Letters from Law School: The Life of a Second-Year Law Student (Writers Club Press, 2000)

Chris Goodrich, Anarchy and Elegance: Confessions of a Journalist at Yale Law School (Little, Brown and Company, 1991)

Roy S. Gutterman, Lrev: The Law Review Experience in American Legal Education (Academica Press, 2003)(a memoir in part)

Richard D. Kahlenberg, Broken Contract: A Memoir of Harvard Law School (Faber and Faber, 1992)

Martha Kimes, Ivy Briefs: True Tales of a Neurotic Law Student (Atria Books, 2007)

Rick Lax, Lawyer Boy: A Case Study on Growing Up (New York: St. Martin's Press, 2008)

Alfredo Mirandé, The Stanford Law Chronicles: Doin' Time on the Farm (University of Notre Dame Press, 2005)

James Reavis, The Jim Report: My Life in Law School (Carolina Academic Press, 2010)

Scott Turow, One L (G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1977)

Alex Wellen, Barman: Ping-Pong, Pathos, and Passing the Bar (Harmony, 2003)

Memoir Writings of West Virginia Students

Ruth P. Knight, Remembering, 40 J. Legal Educ. 97 (1990) [on-line text]

Deirdre Purdy, Lawyers & Literature as My Mother Lay Dying–Spring, 1997, 22 Legal Stud. F. 293 (1998) [on-line text]

Brenda Waugh, A Theory of Employment Discrimination, 40 J. Legal Educ. 113 (1990) [on-line text]

Worlds of Silence: Women in Law School, 8 ALSA F. 1-124 (1984) [preface][Getting Here][Law School][Power][Conflict][Masculine Images][Writing the Stories][Cinderella][Postscript]

Memoir Writing | Law Teachers

Marie Ashe, Zig-Zag Stitching and the Seamless Web: Thoughts on "Reproduction" and the Law, 13 Nova L. Rev. 355 (1989) [notes for reading Zig-Zag Stitching]

Kate Nace Day, One Art: Being Feminist in Legal Education, 32 Legal Stud. F. 953 (2008) [on-line text]

Cheryl I. Harris, Law Professors of Color and the Academy: Of Poets and Kings, 68 Chi-Kent L. Rev. 331 (1992)

Jennifer Jaff, Against the Flow, 6 Wis. Women's L.J. 1190 (1991)

William B. Rubenstein, My Harvard Law School, 39 Harv. C.R.-C.L. L. Rev. 317 (2004)

Patricia Williams, The Alchemy of Race and Rights: A Diary of a Law Professor (Harvard University Press, 1992)

The Reflective Practicioner

Laurie Morin & Louise Howells, The Reflective Judgment Project, 9 Clin. L. Rev. 623 (2003)

Richard K. Neumann, Jr., Donald Schön, the Reflective Practitioner, and the Comparative Failures of Legal Education, 6 Clin. L. Rev. 401 (2000)

Donald A. Schön, Educating the Reflective Legal Practitioner, 2 Clin. L. Rev. 231 (2005)

Claire Sparrow, Reflective Student Practitioner: An Example Integrating Clinical Experience into the Curriculum, 14 Int'l J. Clin. Legal Educ. 70 (2009)

Ian Weinstein, Teaching Reflective Lawyering in a Small Case Litigation Clinic: A Love Letter to My Clinic, 13 Clin. L. Rev. 573 (2006)

On Reflective Writing

Linda L. Berger, A Reflective Rhetorical Model: The Legal Writing Teacher as Reader and Writer,
6 Legal Writing: J. Legal Writing Inst. 57 (2000) [on-line text]

____________, Applying New Rhetoric to Legal Discourse: The Ebb and Flow of Reader and Writer, Text and Context, 49 J. Legal Educ. 155 (1999) [on-line text]

Nancy Levit, Legal Storytelling: The Theory and the Practice--Reflective Writing Across the Curriculum, 15 Legal Writing: J. Legal Writing Inst. 253 (2009) [on-line text]

Mark Weisberg, Epilogue: When (Law) Students Write, 27 Legal Stud. F. 421 (2003)

Journals and Legal Education

James R. Elkins, Writing Our Lives: Making Introspective Writing a Part of Legal Education, 29
Willamette L. Rev. 45 (1993) [on-line text]

Gerald F. Hess, Learning to Think like a Teacher: Reflective Journals for Legal Educators, 38 Gonz. L. Rev. 129 (2002-2003)

Harriet N. Katz, Personal Journals in Law School Externship Programs: Improving Pedagogy,
1 TM Cooley J. Prac. & Clin. L. 7 (1997)

J.P. Ogilvy, The Use of Journals in Legal Education: A Tool for Reflection, 3 Clin. L. Rev. 55 (1996)

Self-Awareness and Professional Life

Filippa Marullo Anzalone, It All Begins with You: Improving Law School Learning through Professional Self-Awareness and Critical Reflection, 24 Hamline L. Rev. 325 (2001)

Joseph A. Barrette, Self-Awareness: The Missing Piece of the Experiential Learning Puzzle, 5 T.M. Cooley J. Prac. & Clin. L. 1 (2002)

Beryl Blaustone, To Be of Service: The Lawyer's Aware Use of the Human Skills Associated with the Perceptive Self, 15 J. Legal Prof. 241 (1990)

____________, Teaching Law Students to Self-Critique and to Develop Critical Clinical Self-Awareness in Performance, 13 Clin. L. Rev. 143 (2006)

James R. Elkins, The Legal Persona: An Essay on the Professional Mask, 64 Vir. L. Rev. 735 (1978) [on-line text]

Jonathan K. Stubbs, Lawyer Competence: Perceptual Prisms, Self-Scrutiny, and the Looking Glass, 18 J. Legal Prof. 233 (1993)

Stories and Legal Scholarship

Marcella David, Learning from the Past: Schoolroom Tales, Life Lessons, 2 J. Gender Race & Just. 127 1998)

Richard A. Matasar, Storytelling and Legal Scholarship, 68 Chi.-Kent L. Rev. 353 (1992)


Carolo A. Pedrioli, The Rhetoric of Catharsis and Change: Law School Autobiography As a Nonfiction Law and Literature Subgenre, 41 McGeorge L. Rev. 843 (2010)