for Lawyers
understanding ourselves
temperament & personality traits
"Dispositional traits are those broad, nonconditional
. . . and implicitly comparative dimensions of human individuality that
go by such names as extraversion, dominance, friendliness,
dutifulness, depressiveness, the tendency to feel vulnerable,
and so on. . . . [T]traits are generally viewed as broad dimensions
of individual differences between people, accounting for . . . consistency
and continuity in behavior, thought and feeling across situations and
over time. At their best, dispositional traits speak to the overall
style of a person's adjustment to and engagement of the social world--how
a person does things, how a person typically thinks, how he or she usually
feels about things in general. If the momentary constellation of any
person's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors make up his or her current
state, then traits may be seen as the most common kinds of
states that a person experiences across situations and over time. Personality
traits provide a rough outline of human individuality, a first cut,
a recognizable signature that a person tends to express in a range of
situations (thought not in all) and over a relatively long period of
time (through not necessarily forever).
* * * *
[P]ersonality psychology has made a strong comeback
in the past two decades. Critics of the field once argued that situational
factors swamp personality variables in accounting for what people actually
do. But today evidence for broad consistencies in individual differences,
their stability over time, their psychobiological underpinnings, and
their efficacy in predicting important behavioral trends and life outcomes
is pervasive and convincing. Once an endangered scientific species,
the concept of the personality trait now enjoys a privileged status
among personality researchers and an increasingly prominent role in
studies done in social, developmental, cultural, and clinical psychology.
Bolstering the scientific standing of traits today is the widespread
acceptance of the five-factor model of personality, often called the
Big Five. The Big Five organizes broad individual differences in social
and emotional life into five factor-analytically-derived categories,
most commonly labeled extraversion (vs. introversion), neuroticism (negative
affectivity), conscientiousness, agreeableness, and openness to experience.
The new trait psychology heralded by the Big Five is arguably the most
recognizable contribution personality psychology has to offer today
to the discipline of psychology as a whole and to the behavioral and
social sciences."
--Dan P. McAdams & Jennifer L. Pals, A New Big Five: Fundamental
Principles for an Integrative Science of Personality, 61 (3) American
Psychologist 204, 207, 204 (2006)
"There are two important branches of personality psychology that
together define personality as a discipline, individual differences
. . . and the organization and interaction of variables within individuals
. . . . Trait theory is of value for the first approach and largely
irrelevant for the second. For purposes of classifying, screening, personnel
selection and diagnosis, [an individual difference] approach has much
to offer. For understanding how people operate, it is of very limited
value. It stands to reason that if one wants to understand how people
operate, it is necessary to examine how variables within them are organized
and interaction with each other."
--Seymour Epstein, The Big Five Model: Grandiose Ideas About Surface
Traits as the Foundation of a General Theory of Personality, 21 Psychological
Inquiry 34, 35 (2010)
"If we see human beings as solely actors on a social stage, then
the five-factor model is good enough. But if we wish to consider personality
in a broader and deeper manner, from the standpoints of the person as
motivated agent and autobiographical author, then the Big Five falls
--Dan P. McAdams & Keegan Walden, Jack Block, the Big Five, and
Personality From the Standpoints of Actor, Agent, and Author, 21 (1)
Psychological Inquiry 50 (2010)
the Big Five Personality Domains
Introduction to the Five-Factor Model and its Applications
[Robert R. McCrae & Oliver
P. John, 60 J. Personality 175 (1992)]
'Lawyer Personality' and the Five Factor Model
[Madeleine Deveson, Australian Centre for Justice Innovation]
The Core of the Creative Personality
Victoria C. Oleynick,, Openness/Intellect,"
in Gregory J. Feist, Roni Reiter-Palmon l& James C. Kaufman (eds.),
The Cambridge Handbook of Creativity and Personality Research
(England: : Cambridge University Press, 2017)
Five Traits Diagram:
Class Videos
Class Viewing: Jordan
Peterson on the Big Five [49:36
mins.] [2017--Personality and Its Transformation Lecture 14] [begin
presentation at 8:08 mins., end at 30:45 mins.] [introduction to the
idea of personality and personality traits; personality traits are "describable
elements of your being"; a trait might be considered as a subpersonality]
Basic Videos
The Big 5 Personality
Traits [9:03 mins.] [Jordan Peterson] [See
Jacob B. Hirsh, Colin G. DeYoung & Jordan Peterson, Metatraits of
the Big Five Differentially Predict Engagement and Restraint of Behavior,
77 (4) J. Personality 1 (2009)] [for a brief description of the five
canonical traits, begin presentation at 0:37 mins., end at 1:45 mins.]
Who Are You,
Really? The Puzzle of Personality
[15:15 mins.] [Brian Little] [TED Talk] [end presentation at 6:27 mins.]
The Science of
[14:35 mins.] [Brian Little interview] [2015] [begin presentation with
Little's commentary on the background of the Big Five traits at 1:45
mins., end at 9:44 mins.] [Big Five theory has gained ascendance; Brian
Little presents his doubts about the Big Five traits; explaining "free
trait" (and accompanying behavior)" in contrast to the relatively
fixed traits found in the Big Five; commentary on the idea of "personal
projects" ("treating humans as humans"); the Myers-Briggs
test (prompting us to talk about individual differences)]
Measuring Personality:
Crash Course Psychology #22
[11:07 mins.] [end presentation at 4:46 mins.]
Reference (Jordan Peterson & Personality Traits)
(and his course, Personality and Its Transformations)
Big 5 Personality
[6:46 mins.]
The Big Five
Personality [Traits]
[4:55 mins.]
Your Personality
& Who You Can Become
[8:21 mins.] [comments on the Big Five begins at 1:59
mins., ends at 3:32 mins., outlining the Big Five; noting there are
virtues and faults associated with each of the five personality dimensions]
Depth Psychology
[48:14 mins.] [commenting on psychological types and
personality traits in reference to lawyers] [begin at 4:00 mins., end
at 5:16 mins.]
The Big Five
[3:46 mins.] [September, 2017]
[21:36 mins.]
The Problem with
[3:44 mins.]
Orderly People
[5:20 mins.]
Dangers of Being too Agreeable
[4:46 mins.]
and Openness
[8:01 mins.]
Are You An Introvert
or Extrovert?
[2:18 mins.]
vs Introverts & Frames of Reference
[4:13 mins.] [traits can be conceptualized as subpersonalities;
they can also be seen as frames of referenc; a frame of reference can
be something akin to a micro-personality] [extroverts & introverts
exist in domains of comeptence] [traits influence your value system,
and your goals]
personality traits (misc.)
Big Five Personality Archetypes
[4:55 mins.]
[9:03 mins.] [frames of reference; micro-personalities; underlying biological
systems; "we don't quite understand the relation of the traits
to their underlying biology")]
personality traits & political orientation
[8:54 mins.]
Temperament and
[4:26 mins.] [Jordan Peterson]
The Worst Thing
a Creative Person Can Do
[4:26 mins.]
On How Creative
You Are
[17:42 mins.]
The Curse of
[6:28 mins.]
Peterson's 2017 Personality and Its Transformations Course
2017 Personality
14: Introduction to Traits/Psychometrics/The Big 5
[49:36 mins.]
2017 Personality
15: Biology/Traits: The Limbic System
[1:18:57 mins.]
2017 Personality
16: Biology/Traits: Incentive Reward/Neuroticism
[1:13:37 mins.]
Peterson's 2016 Personality and Its Transformations Course
2016 Personality
Lecture 10: The Psychobiology of Traits
[1:19:19 mins.]
Personality Lecture 11: The Psychobiology of Traits
[54:57 mins.]
2016 Personality
Lecture 12: Gender Differences: Agreeableness and Other Traits
[1:14:26 mins.]
2016 Personality
Lecture 12: Conscientiousness: Industriousness and Orderliness
[1:15:45 mins.]
Personality Lecture 13: Openness and Intelligence
[1:15:27 mins.]
Peterson's 2015 Personality and Its Transformation
Personality Lecture 14: Intro to Biology & Psychometrics
[1:22:44 mins.] [begin presentation at 1:02:43
Personality Lecture 15: Biology & Traits: Limbic System & Lower
Order Goals
[1:20:33 mins.]
Personality Lecture 16: Conscientiousness I--Industriousness & Disgust
[1:12:21 mins.]
2015 Personality
Lecture 17: Agreeableness--Aggression & Empathy
[1:16:30 mins.]
2015 Personality
Lecture 18: Openness--Creativity & Intelligence
[1:23:11 mins.]
Peterson's 2014 Personality and Its Transformation
Personality Lecture 14: Psychometrics (Biology and Traits)
[1:08:02 mins.]
Personality Lecture 15: Limbic System & Goals (Biology and Traits)
[1:18:53 mins.]
2014 Personality
Lecture 16: Extraversion & Neuroticism (Biology & Traits)
[1:14:48 mins.]
2014 Personality
Lecture 17: Agreeableness and Gender Differences
[1:17:35 mins.]
Reference (Brian Little)
Being Oneself
[26:55 mins.] [interview]
Confessions of
a Passionate Introvert
[18:21 mins.] [TED Talk] [reference to the Big
Five traits at 1:58 mins,, going on to indicate that his comments will
focus on extraversion]
at Work
[57:44 mins.]
Brian Little
Presents Me, Myself and Us
[51:38 mins.] [Brian Little's presentation begins
at 2:57 mins.]
60th Anniversary
[57:44 mins.]
Introverts' Night
[1:16:40 mins.] [interview begins at 3:10 mins.]
A Life Extraordinary
[8:24 mins.] [the capacity to throw yourself into
Big Ideas Profile
[10:26 mins.]
Reference (Temperament)
Jerome Kagan:
On Temperament
[6:48 mins.] [Jerome Kagan is a
Professor of Psychology at Harvard University] [end at 5:45 mins.]
Jerome Kagan
on Temperament
[16:21 mins.] [class presentation
begins at 0:53 mins., ends at 4:34 mins.]
Heredity, and Genes | Behavior
[9:27 mins.] [possible end of presentation
at 3:26 mins.] ["temperament seems to be hard-wired into us";
hard-wiring has to do with inheritance]
Reference (Videos)
Big 5 Model
[3:45 mins.]
to the Five Factor Model of Personality
[3:59 mins.]
Trait Theory
[12:32 mins.] [Chris Dula, East Tennessee State]
[7:22 mins.]
Theories of Personality
Big 5, Humanistic, Temperament
[14:42 mins.] [audio]
What's Your Personality
[2:46 mins.]
Big Five Personality Model
[2:53 mins.]
Big 5 Personality Traits
[8:13 mins.] [the five traits are introduced at 3:18 mins. and ends
at 7:36 mins.] [relates the five traits to winning]
the Big Five Personality Traits With Examples
[7:47 mins.]
and the Big 5
[2:42 mins.]
Jung, Myers-Briggs & the Big Five
[27:05 mins.]
Reference (Wikipedia & Articles)
Five Personality Traits
Cats: The Lawyer Personality Revealed
[Larry Richard]
New Big Five: Fundamental Principles for an Integrative Science of Personality
[Dan P. McAdams & Jennifer L. Pals, 61 (3) American
Psychologist 204 (2006)]
Lawyer's Paradox: The Link Between Personality and Psychopathology in
Danielle Brenzina, 10 (40) Int. In-house Counsel J.
1 (2017)
Web Resources
the Big Five Personality Domains
Contact Professor Elkins