Lawyer as Writer

James R. Elkins

My qualifications for teaching this workshop include:

a long-standing fascination with writing and writers;

encouraging law students in all my courses to write and explore what it means to be a writer;

experimentation in my courses with various forms of essay and reflective writing, including personal journals, course journals, and guided reflective writing exercises;

teaching Appellate Advocacy, a traditional legal writing course (although I confess to deviating from the conventions in teaching this course);

serving as editor of an interdisciplinary academic legal studies journal–the Legal Studies Forum–a position in which I am responsible for personally editing the work of academic colleagues in various disciplines;

editing and contributing to an issue of the Legal Studies Forum on the "new scholarship" in legal writing [What Kind of Story is Legal Writing, 20 Legal Stud. F. 95 (1996)];

writing about writing in legal education ["Writing Our Lives: Making Introspective Writing a Part of Legal Education," 29 Willamette L. Rev. 45 (1993);

writing and publishing law review articles, book reviews, and co-authoring a West Nutshell on interviewing and counseling (with Thomas Shaffer)(now in its 4th edition);

teaching a course on Lawyers and Literature which focuses on literary writing.


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