Strangers to Us All | Lawyers and Poetry |
Daniel Leavens Cady
Walter John Coates (ed.), Miscellaneous Poems
of Daniel L. Cady "Cady, Daniel L[eavens] (Mar. 10, 1861-April 1, 1934) b. West Windsor, Vt. Lawyer. poet." [W.J. Burke & Will D. Howe (eds.), American Authors and Books: 1640 to the Present (New York: Crown Publisers, 1962)(augmented & revised by Irving R. Weiss)] Cady was, according to a Vermont informant, born in Vermont, graduated from the University of Vermont-Montpelier in 1886, studied law and set up a practice in New York City in 1894. Cady then retired to Burlington in 1912, where he wrote his volumes of "sentimental dialect verse" for which he was awarded a doctor of letters from Norwich University and from the University of Vermont. [Source: Deb Barnum, Bygone Books, Burlington, Vermont] Poetry Daniel L. Cady, Stray Breaths of North East Song (New York: Record Press 1905) [online text] ___________, Maize and Milkweed: Fifty-two Stalks (Portland, Oregon: Arcady Press, 1916)(illustrated by Ed O'Neill) ___________, Rhymes of Vermont Rural Life (Rutland, Vermont: The Tuttle Company, 1919-34)(4 series)(lst series, 1919) [1920/1919: online text] (2nd series, 1922)(3rd series, 1926)(4th series, 1934) [online text] ___________, Champlain and Lake Champlain: A Poem (Albany, 1926)(reprinted from the Tercentenary Commission) [online text] ___________, The Hill of Bennington: A Battle Poem (Rutland, Vermont: The Tuttle Company, 1927) ___________, Miscellaneous Poems (North Montpelierr, Vermont: The Driftwood Press, 1937)(Walter John Coates ed.) ___________, Truth and Poetry (San Diego: Frank & May, 1940) |