Strangers to Us All | Lawyers
and Poetry |
George Mifflin Dallas Library of Congress 11th Vice President of the U.S. George Miffln Dallas graduated from Princeton, practiced law, served as U.S. Attorney for Eastern Pennsylvania, became mayor of Philadelphia, was elected to the U.S. Senate, served in the diplomatic corp as Foreign Minister to Russia (1837-1839) and to England (1856-1861), and was elected Vice President in the Polk presidency. [Source: Archivist Note, Alexander James & George Mifflin Dallas Papers, Temple University][The Temple archives include "twenty-eight poems and prose pieces written by George Dallas between 1815 and 1839."] George Mifflin Dallas George Mifflin Dallas George Mifflin Dallas Bibliography John M. Belohlavek, George Mifflin Dallas: Jacksonian Patrician (State College: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1977) |