Strangers to Us All Lawyers and Poetry

Samuel D. Davies

(1839-    )

James Wood Davidson, The Living Writers of the South 133-135 (New York: Carleton, 1849):

Mr. Davies was born near Petersburg [Virginia], on the 21st of March, 1839, finished his elementary education at William and Mary College, in Virginia, and is at present practicing law. He was always passionately fond of studying the languages, and has pursued with success his studies in Greek, Latin, French, and German, and has devoted some attention to Italian. When the war opened, he threw down his Blackstone to take up the sword. He entered Confederate service as a Lieutenant of Infantry, and did service in Lee's Army of Northern Virginia; was twice wounded; served on the staffs of Generals Pettigrew and Archer; and found gallantly throughout the war. He is still unmarried.

He wrote numerous articles, and some poems, for the Southern Literary Messenger, of Richmond . . . . He has also written for other periodicals. With his culture, tastes, and energy, he gives promise of valuable contributions to our Southern literature. [Id. at 133]