Strangers to Us All Lawyers and Poetry

Thomas Ewing


"Ewing, Thomas (May 21, 1862-Dec. 7, 1942), lawyer, was born in Leavenworth, Kan., of a family distinguished in Ohio history. His grandfather had been a Senator from Ohio and a cabinet officer under three Presidents; his father distinguished himself in the Civil War and served in Congress as a Representative from Ohio, 1877-81. The third Thomas lived in Lancaster, 1870-81; during this period he studied for two years at University of Wooster. When his father moved to New York City to practice law, he accompanied him and completed his education at Columbia University. He became a successful patent lawyer. He published some poems and translations of Horace, a family history, and Jonathan; A Tragedy, New York, 1902."

[William Coyle (ed.), Ohio Authors and Their Books: Biographical Data and Selective Bibliographies for Ohio Authors, Native and Resident, 1796-1950 198 (Cleveland: World Publishing Co., for the Ohioana Library Association, 1962)] [bio used with the gracious permission of the Ohioana Library Association]


Thomas Ewing, Jonathan; a Tragedy (New York: Funk & Wagnalls Company, 1902) [online text]