Strangers to Us All | Lawyers
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Henry Haywood Glassie frontispiece W.A. Mongomery (ed.), Henry Haywood Glassie (Baltimore, 1940) "Henry Haywood Glassie was born in Nashville, Tennessee on August 12, 1871. His father was Daniel Washington Glassie, a native of New York State, a lawyer practicing in Kentucky at the outbreak of the Civil War . . . . His mother was Minnie Haywood Nash, of distinguished ancestry in the history of Tennessee, where her great grandfather, John Haywood, having been a member of the Supreme Court of North Carolin, became also the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Henry Glassie's parents removed to Washington while he was an infant. . . . . In 1889, Glassie completed with high honors the Latin-mathematical course at the Old Central High School of Washington, and in October entered the undergraduate department of the Johns Hopkins University . . . . [Upon completion of his undergraduate work at Johns Hopkins he under] the study of law . . . entered the Columbian (now the George Washington) University Law School in October, 1892, took his law degree in June, 1894, and was admitted t the District bar. . . . [I]n 1908, he was appointed speical legal adviser to the Post Office Deaprmtnet. . . . In 1914, Galssie joined the Department of Justice as special Assistant to the Attorney General, a post he was to hold for twenty-four years, with the intermission of his five years on the Tariff Commission. His work lay in the Lands Division, in which he ultimately assumed the direction of contested Riparian Rights." Walter A. Montgomery, "Henry Haywood Glassie," in W. A. Montgomery, Henry Haywood Glassie 7-14 (Baltimore, 1940) Research Resources Henry Haywood Glassie Papers |