Strangers to Us All Lawyers and Poetry

Robert Pleasants Hall

South Carolina

"Hall, Robert Pleasants, lawyer and poet, was born in Chester District, S.C., December 23, 1825, and died in Macon, Ga., December 4, 1854. He was rapidly rising at the Bar, when ill health overtook him; but at leisure intervals he continued to exercise an unusual talent for verse until the end of his short life, publishing a volume of 'Poems by a South Carolinian' (Charleston, 1848), besides numerous manuscripts, among them a contemplative poem on André Chenier; 'Wionna,' a legend of the Dakotahs, and 'The Cherokee.'"

[Edwin Anderson Alderman & Joel Chandler Harris (eds.), Library of Southern Literature 177 (New Orleans: Martin & Hoyt Co., 1910)(1907)(Vol. 15, Biographical Dictionary of Southern Authors, 1929, Lucian Lamar Knight ed.)]

[See also, "Robert P. Hall" in Stephen F. Miller, The Bench and Bar of Georgia: Memoirs and Sketches 73-95 (Philadelphia: J.P. Lippincott & Co., 1858)(vol.2)]


Robert Pleasants Hall, Poems by a South Carolinan (Charleston, South Carolina: Samuel Hart, 1848)