Strangers to Us All Lawyers and Poetry

Henry Wilbur Humble


"Humble, Henry Wilbur (April 30, 1883-Jan. 11, 1941), educator, was born in Cincinnati, Hamilton County. He graduated from the University of Kansas in 1905 and the University of Cincinnati Law School in 1908. He afterward taught law at the University of Kansas and Brookings Law School. At the time of his death he was teaching English and history at the College of the City of New York."

[William Coyle (ed.), Ohio Authors and Their Books: Biographical Data and Selective Bibliographies for Ohio Authors, Native and Resident, 1796-1950 328 (Cleveland: World Publishing Co., for the Ohioana Library Association, 1962)] [Used with the gracious permission of the Ohioana Library Association]


Henry Wilbur Humble, Lines on Literati and Other Poems (New York: Poetry Publications, 1928)


Henry W. Humble, Cases on the Law of Bills and Notes (Brooklyn, New York: [Brooklyn Law School], 1924)(Brooklyn, New York: Harmon Publications, 1924)

Henry Wilbur Humble & Roy Fielding Wrigley, Selected Cases on Contracts (Brooklyn: [s.n.], 1927)

Henry Wilbur Humble & Donald Farrington Sealy, Selected Cases on Damages (Brooklyn: [s.n.], 1928)

Henry Wilbur Humble, Cases on Conflict of Laws (Chicago: Callaghan, 1923)(Chicago: Callaghan, 1929)

_________________, Principles of the Law of Evidence, with cases for discussion (Chicago: Callaghan and Company, 1934)

________________, The Law of Bills and Notes (Brooklyn, New York: Harmon, 1939)

________________, Story of Contracts (Brooklyn, New York: Harmon Publications, 1939)


W.P. Richardson, Outline of Bills and Notes (Brooklyn, New York: Brooklyn Law School, 3rd ed., 1928)(Henry Wilbur Humble ed.)