Strangers to Us All | Lawyers and Poetry |
William W. Pfrimmer Benjamin S. Parker & Enos B. Heiney, Poets and
Poetry of Indiana: A Representative Collection of the Poetry of
Indiana During the First Hundred Years of its History as Territory
and State, 1800 to 1900 (Chicago: Silver, Burdett and Company,
1900) "William W. Pfrimmer was born at Metropolis City, Illinois, January 29, 1856. His parents were both natives of Indiana, and most of his life has been spent in that state. His school days ended with high school, but he studied law and was admitted to the bar. A distaste for the profession led him to abandon law for the teaching profession, and in 1889 he was elected county superintendent of schools of Newton County, which office he held for ten years. Mr. Pfrimmer's literary work is attractive and popular, especially his dialect verse. His volume entitled 'Driftwood' is in its third edition. Many of his best poems have never appeared in print, but have been read with success before large audiences, and he has become deservedly popular as a public reader and entertainer. His home is at Kentland, Indiana." [Benjamin S. Parker & Enos B. Heiney (eds.), Poets and Poetry of Indiana 450 (New York: Silver, Burdett and Company, 1900)] "Upon the death of his mother he was sent at the age of four years to live with his paternal grandfather. Here amid the picturesque scenery of the beautiful Indian Creek Valley, in Southern Indiana, young Pfrimmer was permitted to pass an ideal boyhood. . . . At the death of his grandfather he removed to Northern Indiana, where he has since resided. After his school days, which never extended beyond the village high school, he taguth school and studied law, was admitted to the bar but poverty and a lack of clients drove him into the insurance business, in which he continued with fair success until . . . elected to the office of superintendent of schools . . . ." [Charles Wells Moulton, The Magazine of Poetry: A Quarterly Review 167 (Buffalo, New York, 1892)(vol. 4)] Poetry Will W. Pfrimmer, Driftwood (Charles Wells Moulton, 1890)(Buffalo: Peter Paul Book Co., 2nd ed. 1895)(Indianapolis, Indiana: Sentinel Printing Co., 3rd ed., 1899) |