Strangers to Us All
Lawyers and Poetry

Edward Leslie Spaulding


Edward Leslie Spaulding maternal and paternal ancestors came to Clayton County, Iowa in the 1850s. Spaulding graduated from Northwestern University Law School in 1910. He practiced law in chicago for two years before he returned to Iowa to practice law in McGregor.He seems to have spent a good deal of his time writing and publishing his poetry. Spaulding's poetry appeard in the New York Sun, New York World, Chicago Daily News, Chicago Tribune, Philadelphia Ledger, St. Louis Post Dispatch, New Orleans Picayune, and the Portland Oregon Journal. [Source: "Edward Leslie Spaulding 1887-1939," in Ronald Harris (ed.), Someday I Shall Sing Again: The Collected Poems of E. Leslie Spaulding (Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin: Good Grit Press, 2014)]


Ronald Harris (ed.), Someday I Shall Sing Again: The Collected Poems of E. Leslie Spaulding (Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin: Good Grit Press, 2014)