Strangers to Us All
Lawyers and Poetry

Henry Hepburn Strawbridge


H. H. Strawbridge was a New Orleans lawyer. His father George Strawbridge (1784-1859) was a judge on the Louisiana Supreme Court. Strawbridge was one of the incorporators of the New Orleans Bar Association in 1855.

Strawbridge Family History


Henry H. Strawbridge, "The Bachelor and the Blue Devils," in Robert Gibbes Barnwell (ed.), The New-Orleans Book 372-382 (New-Orleans, 1851)(Boston: Wright & Hasty's Steam Press) [online text]

__________________, "Confederate Land," in W.L. Fagan (ed.), Southern War Songs 48 (New York : M.T. Richardson & Co., 1890)

["Confederate Land" also appears in Frank Moore (ed.), Rebel Rhymes and Rhapsodies 294-295 (New York: G. P.Putnam, 1864) (online text)]