Strangers to Us All
Lawyers and Poetry

Edward Owings Towne

(1859- )

--Chicago lawyer, novelist, playwright & poet

"Towne, Edward Owings, lawyer and dramatist, was born in Iowa, February 19, 1860. His father was the founder of the Iowa Central University, from which his son was graduated. In 1880, he went to Chicago and began the study of law, and entered upon its practice as soon as he was old enough to be admitted to the bar. As a lawyer his success was assured from the first, and he has been engaged in a number of famous cases." [John Clark Ridpath, The Ridpath Library of Universal Literature (New York : Globe Pub. Co., [1898)] [vol. 23]

[Note the discrepancy in the date used in this entry, obtained from OCLC, and the date give in The Ridpath Library of Universal Liteature entry.]


Edward Owings Towne, The Completion of the Spire and Other Poems (Chicago: Mid-continent Pub. Co., 1889) [online text]

__________________, Ideals of an Idol-Breaker: A Poem of the New Philosophy ( [n.p.], 1913)


Edward Owings Towne, Aphorisms of the Three Times (Chicago: C.H. Kerr, 2nd ed. 1887)

__________________, By Wits Outwitted ( [n.p.], 1897)

__________________, Wake Up World! A Book of Monetary Economics Setting Forth the Cause and Cure for Panics (New York, New Era Book Corp., ____)(3 vol.)

__________________, The Philosophy of Jesus (New York: New Era Book Corp., 1928)