Strangers to Us All Lawyers and Poetry

John W. Whitman

( -1833)

John Whiteman was editor of The Bachelor's Journal and a Boston lawyer. He was married, at the time of his death, to Sarah Helen Power, a poet.

[Source: Samuel Kettell, Specimens of American Poetry, with Critical and Biographical Notices 333 (New York: Benjamin Blom, 1967)(1829)(vol. 3)(includes Whitman's poem, "The Jersey Prison Ship")][online text][Whitman was a Mason. See "Anti-Masonry in Faneuil Hall in 1831," 32 (No. 7) The Freemasons' Monthly Magazine 193, 195 (July 1, 1873)] [Some sources place Whitman's dead as 1838.][Author of: Report of the Trial of Gen. Tehodore Lyman, for an alleged libel on the Hon. Daniel Webster (Boston: Putnam & Hunt, 1828)][online text]