Psychology for Lawyersc.g. jung :: introductions
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"The World Within: C.G. Jung In His Own Words"
DVD 2008 :: 60 min. |
"Matter of Heart" is a 1986 documentary about the Swiss psychoanalyst, Carl Gustav Jung, featuring archive footage of Jung as well as interviews with Jung's former pupils, friends and colleagues. It examines Jung's life and times, focusing on his ideas, particularly about the collective unconscious.
DVD :: 2004 :: 1 hr. 7 mins. |
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Carl Jung: The Wisdom of the Dream--A Life of Dreams
Face to Face With
Carl Jung
[10:01 mins.] Pt2
[10:05 mins.] Pt3
[10:05 mins.] Pt4
[10:06 mins.]
Carl G. Jung--Lapis
[29:27 mins.] [filmed by Jerome Hill]
Jung at Bolligen
[3:25 mins.]
[2:54 mins.]
Andreas Jung: On Bolligen
[9:34 mins.] [Murray Stein joins Andreas Jung at
4:20 mins.]
Jung Interviewed
[34:09 mins.] [old interview; poor sound quality]
Seven Sermons
to the Dead
[41:02 mins.] [audio]
Introductions to Jung and His Psychology
Basic introductory books on Jung's ideas are plentiful. Two that I might recommend are:
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David Tacey, How To Read Jung (New York: W.W. Norton & Co., First American ed., 2007) |
Daryl Sharp, Jungian Psychology Unplugged: My Life as an Elephant (Toronto: Inner City Books, 1998) |
Additional Introductory Works to Consider: Peter O'Connor, Understanding Jung, Understanding Yourself (New York: Paulist Press, 1985); Robin Robertson, Beginner's Guide to Jungian Psychology (Lake Worth, Florida: Nicolas-Hays, Inc., 1992); Murray Stein, Jung's Map of the Soul: An Introduction (Chicago: Open Court,1998); Eugene Pascal, Jung to Live By (New York: Warner Books, 1992).
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A different kind of introduction to Jung's work—
Jean Kirsch & Murray Stein, How and Why We Still Read Jung: Personal and Professional Reflections (New York: Routledge, 2013) |
| On Reading Jung ::
James R. Elkins (2013)|
Jung: An Introduction
Approaching the
[8:11 mins.] [Ken James]
On Jungian Psychology
[6:54 mins.] [Ken James]
On Jung
[6:54 mins.] [Ken James] [commenting on the self,
ego/self axis, complexes, collective unconscious, connection of complexes
and archetypes of the collective unconscious]
On Freud &
[9:58 mins.] [Robert Van de Castle] Pt2
[8:35 mins.] Pt3
[9:08 mins.]
Modern Wizard
[10:31 mins.] [lectures by Lance Owens;
audio only] Pt2
[10:50 mins.] Pt3
[10:31 mins.] Pt4
[10:02 mins.] Pt5
[10:42 mins.] Pt6
[10:41 mins.] Pt7
[10:41 mins.] Pt8
[10:59 mins.]
C. G. Jung Concepts
[4:58 mins.] [from "Never Cease Exploring:
The Psychology of C. G. Jung," TV program (1994) with Dick Pearson
and Jungian Analyst D. Stephenson Bond] Pt2
[10:31 mins.][discussion about the ego] Pt3A
[10:11 mins.] Pt3B
[10:28 mins.] [discussion of the shadow] Pt4
[8:18 mins.] [anima/animus] Pt5
[8:03 mins.] [anima]
Pt6 [2:31 mins.] [conclusion]
The Depth Psychology
of Carl G. Jung with Leanne Whitney
[41:43 mins.]
Alan Watts on Jung
Carl Jung on
Accepting the Darkness of Self and Others
[8:14 mins.] [audio] [Alan Watts] [useful as an
introductory presentation of Jung and his ideas]
Alan Watts: Tribute
to Carl Jung
[28:02 mins.] Longer
Version [1:23:00 mins.] A
Different Version [54:54 mins.]
Jung: The Man and His Ideas
Remembering Jung
[1:05:14 mins.] [Liliane Frey-Rohn, a Jungian analyst]
Remembering Jung
[1:01:15 mins.] [Marie Louise von Franz]
Carl Jung: Wounded
Healer of the Soul
[24:49 mins.] [Claire
Dunn, a lay reader of Jung, talking about how she found Jung and her
impressions of Jung, his background, and his work]
Our Connection
To Something Bigger: The Archetypes of C.G. Jung
[1 hr. 23 mins.] [Dr. Sandra Portko, Professor
of Psychology, Grand Valley State University]
An Introduction to Depth/Analytical Psychology
The Self
[5:39 mins.] [excerpt from C.G. Jung, Man &
His Symbols (audiobook)] [inner experience of the self, the living
reality of the self, ordinary life and the "inner adventure";
losing contact with the "inner regulator" of the soul; one-sideness;
ego consciousness; anima and animus; personification]
Ian Laird Discusses
Jungian Psychology
[1:17:41 mins.] [Ian Laird discusses Jungian psychology]
[commenting on basic Jungian concepts of ego, self, and persona]
A Jungian View
of Psychopathology
[1:00:13 mins.] [introduction]
On Psychic Energy
[20:34 mins.] [a reading,
at times literal, of C.G. Jung's On Psychic Energy]
Energy is Unlocked
via Symbols in the Unconscious
[44: 58 mins.]
Murray Stein Lectures on Jung and Jungian Psychotherapy
Introduction to Jungian Psychology
[11:46 mins.] [Murray Stein, a Jungian analyst] [commenting on Jung's
Memories, Dreams, Reflections; Jung's work with the two personalities
he lived with; commenting on active imagination and shadow]
The 4 Pillars
of Jungian Psychotherapy: Individuation
[9:35 mins.] [recorded in Zurich, Switzerland]
Symbolic Meaning
on the Path of Individuation
[11:46 mins.] [Murray Stein]
The 4 Pillars
of Jungian Psychotherapy: Therapeutic Relationship
[9:45 mins.]
The 4 Pillars
of Jungian Psychotherapy: Active Imagination
[9:54 mins]
Rationality vs
[3:08 mins.]
Carl Jung's Red
[9:49 mins.] Pt2
[8:22 mins.]
Jung's Shattering
Midlife Crisis & "The Way"
[7:51 mins.]
and Spirituality
[5:40 mins.]
Communing with
the Divine
[9:44 mins.] [Lecture 11]
In What Spirit
Are You Living?: Jung's "Spirit of the Times" vs "Spirit of the Depths"
[2:50 mins.]
The Age of the
Holy Spirit: Transcending the Polarities of God the Father and God the
[7:08 mins.]
[27:05 mins.]
The Dry River
Beds of Culture
[7:42 mins.]
Jung: Introductory Lectures
Our Connection
to Something Bigger: The Archetypes of C.G. Jung
[1:22:06 mins.] [Sandra Portko] [discussion of
the "collective unconscious begins at 21:22 mins.]
Jung's Red Book
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Active Imagination
James Hillman
on Jung and Active Imagination
[33:54 mins.] [passing references to the Red Book: The Red
Book as Jung's account of his efforts to survive, a process that
went on for 14-15 years; a book of religion, an engagement with Christianity;
a "book of torment"; "a book of initiation"; a "heretical
document"; a book that "revolutionizes"; the book, not
really written as a book, is a "heroic task" (undertaken while
he was dreaming of the death of the hero)] [This first segment
of Hillman's presentation on Jung and Active Imagination on the DVD
ends at 35:25 mins.] Pt2
[35:38 mins.] [In Pt2 Hillman's impressive presentation
on Jung and active imagination continues.] [End class presentation at
25:46 mins., resume at 31:36 mins. and end at 34:30 mins. (Hillman responds
to a question about doing active imagination on your own without a therapist)]
[Hillman's presentation ends at 13:20 mins. and takes a question] The
presentation continues: Pt
3 [36:23 mins.] Pt4
[37:46 mins.].
[9:54 mins.] [Murray Stein lecture; Stein is a
Jungian analyst]
How To Learn the
Active Imagination Technique
[2:12 mins.]
Complexes and
[46:06 mins.] [Verena Kast, training analyst at
the C.G. Jung Institute] [Kast's comments on active imagination begins
at 4:08 mins.; an explanation of complexes begins at 11:24 mins.; a
therapeutic application of these ideas begins at 14:08 mins.]
Carl Jung on Shadow
[4:08 mins.]
Is a Projection?
[4:19 mins.] [James Hollis, a Jungian analyst;
Jung Society of Washington]
[8:37 mins.] [Jon Frederickson]
[6:24 mins.]
Anima and Animus
on Inner Images and Archetype of the Anima
[2:04 mins.]
Anima and Animus
[7:11 mins.] [excerpt from "A World of Dreams,"
a three-part series of films produced by PBS]
Anima Projection
[6:38 mins.] [excerpt from C.G. Jung, Man & His Symbols
(audiobook)] [negative aspect of the anima in the male psyche]
Andrew Samuels
on Jung and Post-Jungians
[41:19 mins.] [Samuels discussion of a
Jungian approach to working with dreams runs from 30:02 mins. to 33:57
Michael Conforti:
Dreams, C.G. Jung and Marie-Louise von Franz
[1:14:14 mins.]
Jung on Normality
[22:35 mins.] [Steve Myers] [Normality
in Analytical Psychology]
Jung & Aging:
Bringing to Life the Possibilities
[2:28:06 mins.] [Lionel Corbett's presentation begins at 18:40 mins.]
[2 hrs. 33 mins.]
Jung & Erich Neumann
Erel Shalit:
Neumann & Jung
[4:10 mins.]
Jung Neumann
[21:32 mins.]
A Conversation
with Erel Shalit & Joe Cambray
[52:20 mins.]
Erich Neumann
[2:01:04 mins.]
Depth Psychology Alliance
to Jungian Psychology with James Newell
[1:33:21 mins.]
Intro to Applied
Jungian Psychology with James Newell
[1:33:03 mins.]
Jung, The Arts,
and Spirituality: James R. Newell in Conversation with Bonnie Bright
[37:05 mins.]
The Therapy Room
and the Interactive Field: Interview with Joseph Cambray
[31:36 mins.] [Cambray is a Jungian analyst]
Depth Psychological
Insights on Narcissism (in the Era of Donald Trump)
[41:05 mins.]
Using Typology
to Navigate Your Individuation Journey
[1:23:43 mins.]
The Image-Making
Capacity of Soul: Mary Harrell in Conversation with Bonnie Bright
[37:04 mins.] [author of Imaginal Figures in
Everyday Life: Stories from the World Between Matter and Mind]
Alchemical Psychology:
Jungian Analyst Robert Bosnak
[34:51 mins.]
Depth Psychology
and the Digital Age
[1:04:27 mins.] [online panel discussion; the panelists
are Robert Romanyshyn, Drew Foley, Priscilla Hobbs] Online
Panel #2 [1:04:03] [Steve Wood, Sharon Heath,
Eva Rider are the panelists]
An Introduction
to the Journal of Analytical Psychology
[6:59 mins.]
Whyte: Through Darkness to Innocence
[8:25 mins.]
[3:07 mins.] [excerpt from C.G. Jung's Man
& His Symbols (audiobook)]
Jung and Spirituality
[9:39 mins.] [Lionel Corbett]
C.G. Jung &
[9:58 mins.]
Jung and Drug
[5:00 mins.] [drug abuse and the search for meaning]
Alchemical Opus
[4:45 mins.]
Romanyshyn on Psyche & Nature
[2:52 mins.]
[2:35 mins.]
What Depth Psychology
Can Teach Us About Vocation
[52:54 mins.]
Giovanni Segantini: Darkness, Yearning,
and Creative Fulfillment
[7:29 mins.] [Kathrin Asper, Jungian analyst]
Implications of Jungian Psychology
for Psychedelic Psychotherapy
[13:20 mins.] [David Lukoff]
Dialogue with John Sanford
[31:11 mins.]
Jungian Psychology
and Spiritual Direction: A Visit with Don Bisson
[52:17 mins.]
Jung on Religion
& Spirituality
[9:39 mins.] [Lionel Corbett] [British-trained
psychiatrist and Jungian analyst]
New Myth of God
[4:13 mins.]
CG Jung and Rudolf
[1:53:40 mins.] [Robert McDermott & Sean Kelly]
[2012] [Sean Kelly's presentation on Jung begins at 40:34 mins. and
ends at 1:24:56 mins.; discussion of Jung's "dark night of the
soul" and the production of The Red Book, begins at 1:08:43
mins.] Pt2
[1:21:34 mins.] [Pt2 features Robert McDermott]
[2:13:50 mins.] [Sean Kelly returns in Pt3. Presentation ends at 59:00
mins.] [Sean Kelly received his Ph.D. in Religious Studies from the
University of Ottawa in 1988. Before coming to California Institute
of Integral Studies, he taught religious studies at the University of
Windsor, the University of Ottawa, and Carleton University (Canada).
He is the author of Coming
Home: The Birth and Transformation of the Planetary Era and
Individuation and the Absolute: Hegel, Jung, and the Path toward Wholeness]
Jung and Buddhism
[1:03:45 mins.] [Rob Preece]
Jung, Individuation
and Buddhism
[4:33 mins.]
What is the Self?
Buddhism, Jung & Freud on the Self
[8:44 mins.]
Jung and Feminism
[9:30 mins.]
The Interrogation of Nothingness:
Psyche's Response to the Question, “Why is There Not Nothing”
[11:02 mins.] [Josephine Evetts-Secker, a Jungian
analyst based in London]