Prosecutorial Misconduct
Professor James R. Elkins College of Law
West Virginia University|Spring|2012|



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John Kroger's Book

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Mike Nifong: Duke Lacrosse Players Rape Case


Michael L. Seigel (ed.), Race to Injustice: Lessons Learned from the Duke University Lacrosse Players Rape Case (Carolina Academic Press, 2008)

Don Yaeger, It's Not About the Truth: The Untold Story of the Duke Lacrosse Case and the Lives It Shattered (Threshold Editions, 2007) (with Mike Pressler)

Nader Baydoun & R. Stephanie Good, A Rush to Injustice: Hower Poer, Prejudice, Racism, and Politcal Correctness Overshadowed Truth and Justice in the Duke Lacrosse Rape Case (Thomas Nelson, 2007)

Stuart Taylor, Jr. & KC Johnson, Until Proven Innocent: Political Correctness and the Shameful Injustices of the Duke Lacrosse Rape Case (St. Martin's Griffin, 2008)

R.B. Parrish, The Duke Lacrosse Case: A Documentary History and Analysis of the Modern Scottsboro (BookSurge Publishing, 2009)

Howard Wasserman (ed.), Institutional Failures: Duke Lacrosse, Universities, the News Media, and the Legal System
(Ashgate Publishing, 2010)

Articles|Book Chapters

Michael Cassidy, The Prosecutor and the Press: Lessons (Not) Learned from the Mike Nifong Debacle, 71 Law & Contemp. Prob. 67 (2008) [ssrn]

Susan Duncan, Race, Riches & Reporters: Do Race and Class Impact Media Rape Narratives? An Analysis of the Duke Lacrosse Case, 31 S. Ill. U. L. J. 243 (2007) [ssrn]

David A. Elder, A Libel Law Analysis of Media Abuses in Reporting on the Duke Lacrosse Fabricated Rape Charges, 11 Vand. J. Ent. & Tech. L. 99 (2008) [ssrn]

Lenese C. Herbert, "When Prosecutorial Discretion Meets Disaster Capitalism," in Michael L. Seigel (ed.), Race to Injustice: Lessons Learned from the Duke University Lacrosse Players Case 211-235 (Carolina Academic Press, 2008) [ssrn]

Robert P. Mosteller, The Duke Lacrosse Case, Innocence, and False Identification: A Fundamental Failure to “Do Justice,” 76 Fordham L. Rev. 1337 (2007) [ssrn] [on-line text]

_______________, Exculpatory Evidence, Ethics, and the Road to the Disbarment of Mike Nifong: The Critical Importance of Full Open-File Discovery, 15 Geo. Mason L. Rev. 257 (2008) [ssrn]

James E. Coleman, Jr., The Phases and Faces of the Duke Lacrosse Controversy: A Conversation, 19 Seton Hall J. Sports & Ent. L. 181 (2009) [on-line text]

